"With the improvement of this rice, it is not easy for the people of the empire to live a good life!"

Ying Zheng is full of confidence in this.

With this rice, the lives of the people will get better and better.

The empire's 300 million square kilometers of land only needs to feed 2000 million people, which is not too easy!

"Blast furnace ironmaking technology is also very needed at present."

"The steel of the empire is still made of steel, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive!"

"Instead, this blast furnace makes steel easier to forge! It saves time and effort, and can be mass-produced."

"The most obvious benefit is that the cast iron cannon can be turned into a steel cannon, which greatly reduces the chance of blowing up the chamber, and also makes the artillery much lighter and more convenient to carry."

"And the most enchanting thing is this steam engine blueprint!"

Although Ying Zheng understands the principle of steam engine, it obviously takes a lot of time to make a steam engine...  

And the price of the steam engine's drawings in the system store is 3000 prestige!

But now that it has appeared, it can make the imperial civilization leap forward again and leap to the age of steam.

"Once you have a steam engine, you can develop a train!"

"A widow's empire must be paved with railways!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but raise wild hopes in his heart.

"At the same time, the appearance of this steam engine can also make cars!"

"Although it is not as convenient as a war horse, the traction force of a steam engine is countless times stronger than that of a war horse!"

"Not only can you make trains, but you can also make steam ships!"

"It seems that the widow's horse track is completely useless!"

Ying Zheng felt some regrets in his heart.

"The most important thing right now is to build a railway to Liaodong!"

"And the other one is the southernmost part of the empire!"

"These, obviously need more people to carry out the construction."

"But the widow, some are people!"

"Although the steam engine has blueprints, it will take a while to enter the era of steam!"

"It's the last three-eyed gun that surprised the widow."

"Because this is the most powerful 'Guanning Iron Cavalry's weapon' in the 5.4 Ming Dynasty!"

"This weapon can not only fire three lead bullets in a row, but can also be used as a combination of mace!"

"Obviously, this is the perfect combination of the earliest firearms and cold weapons!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

If you look closely at the firearms of the Ming Dynasty, these firearms are the perfect combination of hot weapons and cold weapons.

Some firearms are themselves shields and spears.

Today, these three-eyed fire guns have appeared in this era.

"The widow can make the Shaofu imitate a batch, and then form a Guanning iron cavalry belonging to Daqin!"

Ying Zheng soon made a decision.

And when the state of Chu was completely stabilized, Ying Zheng was also ready to return to Xianyang completely.

The autumn harvest is over, and the empire is about to usher in a new era. .

Text Chapter 261 A city of four million craftsmen, wool spinning!

When Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang, it was already November.

In just one month, a new year will be ushered in.

Now Ying Zheng's return journey has become a parade.

If you don’t pass by a place, there will be local people offering local specialties.

Of course, there are also beauties!

These beauties are all thirteen or fourteen years old. In this age, they can already do something. Of course, if they stay in the palace for another two years, there is no problem at all.

Ying Zheng naturally all laughed!

And this parade lasted for more than half a month.

Although he was passing by in a hurry, Ying Zheng saw many things.

He saw many expectations in the eyes of the people.

"Although most of the people's eyes are numb and fearful, the widows can see that they are full of expectations for a new life."

"Of course, there are also hatreds in this, but it still doesn't matter."

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