"No matter what, submit to the law of the widow!"

Ying Zheng didn't care about these people.

Once the Imperial Law is triggered, someone will take them down and send them to Liaodong to mine iron ore!

At 08:[-], a year ago, Ying Zheng also returned to Xianyang.

When I came back this time, fifty kilometers outside Xianyang City were all the people of the Empire!

From there, they followed Ying Zheng mightily and returned to Xianyang City.

"When did Xianyang have so many people?"

"Go back to the king, these are the craftsmen of the Craftsman City, and they are full of gratitude to the king."

Zhang Han respectfully stood beside Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"Now, how many craftsmen are gathered in Shanglin Garden."

"Except for the last Qi State craftsmen, 130 million craftsmen have gathered here, including their families, there are 350 million people!"

"There are four Craftsman City, which are divided into east, west, north and south, and the middle position is the empire's factory!"

"Today's four artisan cities have been basically completed, and can accommodate 400 million people to live and work, but the food consumed every day is not a small amount."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

He just mobilized all the craftsmen in the world, but he did not expect to directly arrest 400 million people!

This is already equivalent to one-fifth of the population of the Empire!

However, most of them are the relatives of the craftsmen. After all, it is not possible to just arrest the craftsmen, regardless of the craftsmen's families.

If you do that, the craftsmen will complain more about the output of the empire!

"Do the craftsmen's families have jobs?"

"Of course, they will join the textile, logistics and other links. These 130 million craftsmen will only concentrate on production!"

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"You did very well."

Ying Zheng did not expect that there would be a city of 400 million people in Shanglin Garden today.

This is already equivalent to the third-tier cities of later generations!

It took less than half a year to build the city.

Of course, this was all because Ying Zheng devoted all his strength to the whole country.

"In today's Shanglin Garden, the construction of the Craftsman City has basically been completed, and the Imperial Canal has also been completed for the most part. However, of the seventy-two palaces in Shanglin Garden, only six of the king's palaces have been completed..."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at the progress of the system.

Chapter 261 A Craftsman City of Four Million People, Wool Spinning! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at the progress of the system.

[Super project Shanglin Garden, current progress: 28%]

Ying Zheng did not expect that it took the whole country to build it for a year, and only a little more than a quarter of Shanglin Garden was built.

If you want to build Shanglin Garden, as long as it takes five years!

And once the construction of Shanglin Garden is completed, it will easily accommodate half of the population of the empire!

So far, there are nearly 500 million permanent residents in Shanglinyuan and nearby Xianyang, which is almost a quarter of the population of the empire!

It is hard to imagine that such a large city appeared in the Warring States period.

"How is the construction of the Shaofu factory?"

"At present, the firearms factory, ironware factory, porcelain factory, and woodware factory have all been put into production, and we have also built imitation factories, and the female relatives of those workers can enter and receive a good income."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good. The textile industry of the empire is all mulberry and silk. In addition, there is also wool textile technology. You will continue to be responsible for this."

Ying Zheng spent 500 Prestige directly from the system and exchanged the wool spinning technology.

Wool textile, which contains great profits!

Back then, in the West, in order to earn the benefits of wool spinning, the original farmland was turned into a pasture, which even triggered a wool crisis.

But now this wool textile technology is under the control of the empire.

All production in the empire was decided by Ying Zheng.

These are all produced according to the needs of the empire.

As for the so-called free economy, in the empire, it is almost non-existent!

As for where the wool comes from, there is a large pasture not far north of Xianyang!

Zhang Han's eyes brightened when he saw these objects.

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