"How's the conscription going?".

Chapter 263 Half-firearm cavalry, Guan Ning iron cavalry!

Ying Zheng paid the most attention to the military affairs of the empire.

During the Warring States Period, conquering the world has always been the main theme.

Any king of the seven heroes, as long as he has a little money, will fight to the end.

Today, the empire has undergone a complete military reform.

Meng Ao took the lead.

"Back to the king, now the empire has a large army of [-] people, divided into local troops and the king's division. The king's division is the elite of the world, with a total of [-] people, while the remaining [-] people are stationed in the local area."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nod his head.

"Among the few kings, Yulinwei has 3000 black-armored iron cavalry, and there are also 3000 black-armored iron cavalry composed of veterans."

"In addition to the foot soldiers, there are 3000 more people."

"Also, the elite sailors of the empire, led by Li Xin, currently number [-], and are expected to expand to [-]!"

"In addition to these, the widow is also preparing to choose a new army!"

When the minister of the Manchu Dynasty heard this, he couldn't help being a little excited.

What Ying Zheng cared about most was the army.

And whether it is Yulinwei, black armored iron cavalry, footmen armored soldiers, or imperial navy, they have all created extremely proud records!

In front of Ying Zheng, any general in the world will be bleak!

"What troops are you going to form on Wang 843?"

"Yandi sent back the three thousand iron pagoda, and the widow is going to select all the men who are adults and less than [-] years old to form the iron pagoda of heavy armored cavalry!"

"In addition, the widow is going to forge [-] three-eyed fire cannons, and prepare to build [-] Guanning iron cavalry!"

But when Ying Zheng said this, Lu Buwei took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, although I don't know much about war, I know that the three-eyed fire gun is not easy to use."

"The cavalry of the Yulin Guards can be invincible in the world with their iron armor and long-ge steel crossbow."

"But something like a three-eyed gun has thorns all over its body, and it's a mace to put it bluntly."

"The Imperial Army is not good at this kind of weapon."

"Besides the characteristics of this fire gun, although it can fire three lead bullets in a row, it takes a long time to reload."

"In the battle, this fire gun only has the opportunity to fire one round, and the range is only [-] meters, but it is not as good as the empire's strong crossbow!"

"Finally, the three-eyed fire gun costs a lot of iron materials, making it more difficult and cumbersome, and it is very difficult for craftsmen to make it. Why did the king make this weapon? And give Guan Ning the name of the iron cavalry?"

Lu Buwei said something, expressing the confusion of everyone present.

Even Meng Ao and Wang Jian were full of puzzlement.

That's why Meng Tian didn't want to think about these things at all. No matter what happened, Meng Tian chose to unconditionally believe in Ying Zheng.

Meng Tian was originally this kind of character.

Otherwise, in history, after receiving Zhao Gao's forged Ying Zheng order, he would not have committed suicide without thinking about the reason.

If it were not for this, Daqin could not have died in three lifetimes.

But Ying Zheng also understood the matter of the three-eyed fire gun.

Firearms appeared very early in history.

And this kind of firearm has developed for four or five hundred years before it has developed to this modern level.

Even in World War I, it was still the kind of bolt-action rifle that had to be ejected after one shot, and it was still the same during World War II.

Only after the Cold War did semi-automatic rifles become completely popular!

And before this bolt-action rifle was the flintlock.

Don't think that Daqin can come up with a bolt-action rifle right now.

With Daqin's current forging process, it is impossible to produce bullet casings on a large scale!

Chapter 263 Half-firearm cavalry, Guanning iron cavalry! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

With Daqin's current forging process, it is impossible to produce bullet casings on a large scale!

Therefore, the use of this kind of fire gun is barely counted as the matchlock gun before the flintlock gun!

The so-called arquebus is to pour gunpowder into the barrel, and then hammer it firmly, then put lead bullets in it, then put the arquebus in it, and finally ignite it with a tinder, and it burns to the end. A large plume of blue smoke shot the lead bullet out.

If you load the ammunition when you see the cavalry, if you panic, and the cavalry rushes directly in front of you, it will be a massacre for these gunners.

Moreover, if there is (bgab) wind and rain, the gunpowder cannot be ignited, and this arquebus can only be used as a burning stick.

No, it's not as easy to use as a fire stick!

Moreover, because there is no rifling, the shooting accuracy is not enough!

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