The three-eyed gun appeared many years earlier than the matchlock gun!

This is the most primitive firearm, which belongs to the combination of cold weapons and hot weapons, but more functions are cold weapons.

This kind of weapon is not as good as the cold weapon that has been developed to the extreme. In addition, the manufacturing is more complicated. Even if there is, it is difficult to install this kind of weapon.

Therefore, this Manchu minister has this attitude.

If you really take out an ak47, I am afraid that these ministers will kneel and lick in an instant.

But this does not exist.

That blueprint, Ying Zheng's current prestige, is not enough to exchange...

Moreover, even if it can be exchanged, it cannot be produced at the forging level of the empire.

But the reason why Ying Zheng insisted so much was to let the imperial people gradually get used to firearms!

"The widow is going to do this, do you want to stop it?"

Ying Zheng sat on the throne and swept over everyone below, all with their heads bowed.

Ying Zheng is the king after all, who dares to say that the king is not?

Now that Ying Zheng has decided on this matter, although they have some doubts in their hearts, they can only think about it.

Who can stop Ying Zheng from doing what?

Even if they didn't agree, the craftsmen of the Craftsman City would go crazy and make what Ying Zheng wanted.

Even if Ying Zheng wanted to create a ladder to heaven, those craftsmen would do it!

Besides, in this huge empire, no one could stop Ying Zheng from doing anything.

Although Ying Zheng was only a teenager and still a teenager, his prestige far surpassed that of the Li Dynasty King of Qin.

Even if they wanted to stop it, they couldn't stop it.

"Since the king has made such a decision, we should do our best to screen the soldiers."

When Ying Zheng heard Lu Buwei's words, he nodded in satisfaction.

This is not bad.

Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, this is barely the first half-firearms unit.

As for warships, although they are equipped with artillery, they still have great limitations.

After all, the artillery on the warship can't hit the city far away from the water at all!

"Of course the widow can form the Guanning Iron Cavalry, but it still takes a while to set up the Shenji Camp!"

"But the few believe that it won't take long."

In the end, Ying Zheng's eyes gradually turned to the east on the map of the empire.

In addition to Qi State, there is also the East China Sea!

ps, about firearms, some people say that modern weapons have been developed, and there is no need to play.

But in fact, the firearms that appear now are only things from the [-]th century. At that time, there was no Renaissance in the West. .

Chapter 264 Prepare to build an imperial navy and an anti-Qin alliance!

"The empire has navy, but the most concerned about the navy is the imperial navy!"

"There is news from Li Mu that there are ten sea ships in Liaodong, which can ride the wind and waves, and are most suitable for traveling at sea."

"Although the five-tooth warships and fighting ships are huge, they are not suitable for going to sea."

"Therefore, the widow prepares - prepares for the navy!"

"The navy can set off from Ninghe County in Yandi and attack the hinterland of Qi directly from the sea."

"In this way, we can bypass the defense line built by Qi and completely occupy Qi."

Ninghe County mentioned by Ying Zheng is the estuary of the Yellow River, which is equivalent to the location of modern Tianjin.

However, Tianjin was formed after the accumulation of sediment from the Yellow River for thousands of years. At present, the location of Tianjin is still an ocean.

Meng Ao and Wang Jian all agreed with Ying Zheng's words.

Not even the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty have any meaning.

"In the past, there was Sun Wu, who opened up a new way of thinking about warfare."

"Now, there is a king who has taught us how to be a real war!"

"Throughout the ages, for hundreds of years in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, wars are always going to be good or bad. We must use a large-scale force to directly smash all the defense lines of the opponent and smash the pride of the opponent, so as to completely occupy this land."

"And in this way, it needs to consume a lot of troops, and the battle damage is also quite large."

"But the king sent troops, and he was imaginative. With absolute elite troops, he directly hit the key points and smashed the opponent in an instant."

"As for the defense lines that other countries have built for hundreds of years, the king doesn't fight at all, and just bypasses it."

"And once the soldiers in the defense line send troops, then the defense line built for hundreds of years will completely lose their advantage!"

Meng Ao and Wang Jian below thought of this, and couldn't help but glance at each other.

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