"From Liaodong to Jicheng, to Handan, this road is more than [-] kilometers, and the train runs at full speed, and it takes more than two days."

When Zhang Cang finished calculating this number, everyone except Ying Zheng was completely stunned.

"How long would it take for this train to go from Liaodong to Xianyang?"

"More than two days."

"More than two days!"

"Originally, it would take a month or more to send troops from Xianyang and go to Yan with all their strength."

"I don't even know how many people died on the way."

"If all the major cities in the country have railways, then the imperial army can reach any corner of the empire within five days."

It's just that Ying Zheng's eyes are extremely calm.

"Five days is too long. The widow wants to let the army reach any manned position in the empire within three days!"

When Ying Zheng finished saying these words, all the people present did not swallow their saliva.

Especially Zhang Han.

Although he is very young, he controls the Shaofu and can be the most popular person in the empire.

Even, everyone felt that as long as he was older, he would be the prime minister of the empire after Lu Buwei.

Of course, it is now called the first assistant of the cabinet.

Zhang Han knew very well what kind of achievements he would achieve once the railway was completely paved as a fake minister of the Ministry of Industry!

"Zhang Han, according to the Shaofu, formulate a plan for railway paving."

"In addition, steam trains, and steam ships, the widows need to see the preliminary plan."

"Finally, to build a steam car for the widow."


Zhang Han, Xiangliqin and others all knelt on the ground.

They knew that the Empire had ushered in a new future.

At the same time, Zhang Han is also choosing craftsmen who go to Liaodong to mine and train.

Of course, this has to cooperate with the army and slaves!

These, they can plan years ago.

"In addition to the railway, there is the promotion of hybrid rice cultivation, and ultimately, the mining of the Grand Canal."

"This year, the Zhengguo Canal of the Empire, the main gallop, and the Craftsman City in Shanglin Garden have all been built."

"Even the Imperial Canal is more than half completed."

"In the coming year, how many people can the empire build?"

Ying Zheng asked involuntarily.

Lu Buwei was standing behind Ying Zheng at this time.

Chapter 266 Empire Construction, Build a City Again! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Lu Buwei was standing behind Ying Zheng at this time.

"The empire needs [-] million people to farm the land. These can be the old and the weak, women and children, and the young population needs to go to school, which is roughly [-] million people."

"These seven million people cannot be changed."

"The remaining 1000 million people, of which the Craftsman City can be transferred out, and then drive out the miners and soldiers, can be used for construction, about [-] million people!"

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.


"Send three million people to dig the Grand Canal!"

"Another [-] million people will be dispatched to lay the railway!"

"The last 400 million people will continue to build Shanglin Garden."

Ying Zheng's words were backward, and everyone couldn't help but click their tongues.

It can be expected that the coming year will be another year of great construction and war.

Lu Buwei even sighed in his heart that in the history of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the energy of the country could only be responsible for farming and fighting wars.

These two points alone may completely collapse the fragile state power.

But today, the speed of empire building is terrifying.

The fundamental reason is that the people of the empire have great enthusiasm for building an empire.

"In Shanglin Garden, start another city."

"This city is made of reinforced concrete. The buildings are six to eight stories high, and each household is 120 square meters. The interior floor is paved with ceramic tiles."

"These people will give the empire to those who have merit."

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