"And this city is connected with Xianyang, Jiangcheng, and even Widow's future Epang Palace by rail!"

When Ying Zheng's words fell, Lu Buwei's eyes flashed brightly.

"Your Majesty already has a plan for this city?"

Ying Zheng directly spent 500 Prestige to exchange the planning drawings of the entire city, and finally handed it to Zhang Han.

This city, high-rise buildings and landscape gardens are perfectly combined.

Even the roads are very spacious.

This is built according to the most advanced modern city!

833 And the most central position is reserved.

On the other hand, Zhang Han frowned.

"Your Majesty, these tall buildings can be built."

"However, an eight-story high-rise building with a height of 40 meters has exceeded the system."

In the Empire, Zhou Shi's interests are still pursued.

Even the height of the king's palace, the height of the houses of the princes, and the height of the commoners all have strict divisions.

But now the eighth floor built by Ying Zheng is too high!

It's just that Ying Zheng didn't care about it at all.

"Is it high? How high is the Zhangtai Palace of the widow?"

"will not."

"That's fine."

Ying Zheng's words fall, no matter who it is, it can't be changed.

However, this news was soon passed to the entire Xianyang City.

"Your Majesty is going to build another building this time, and this time the building will become even more gorgeous. The floor is made of tiles!"

"And this time the area of ​​the house will become larger."

"It is said that after the city is built, the king will give every room to those who have merit in the empire."

After this news was passed on, all Qin people were excited.

"The State of Qi! There will be the final place for meritorious deeds!".

Text Chapter 267 King Qi came to Xianyang to visit!

The people of the empire are gearing up because of Ying Zheng's new city.

They have seen the prosperity of the Craftsman City, and it is said that this time, the construction is even better than the Craftsman City.

In this regard, the people of the empire naturally desperately wanted to obtain the title, and were finally rewarded with a house by the king.

This is not a division, but a reward from the king!

And Qi, there is no doubt that it may be the country that will finally make meritorious deeds.

It's just that Qi Guozhong at this time, although he rejected Changping-Jun's proposal, was not feeling well on the whole.

"Now the Empress Dowager Jun is seriously ill, and the widow is in charge of herself."

"However, for the sake of the state of Qi, the widow wants to go to Xianyang to visit the king of Qin!"

"Perhaps, this can save our country of Qi from the torment of war."

For the current state of Qi, they have been fighting for a long time.

The people were extremely wealthy, otherwise the food sold to Chu State would not be enough to support the [-]-strong army of Chu State.

It's just the minister of the state of Qi, but at this time, he is in a frying pan.

"Your Majesty, you are the king of Qi! How can you condescend to be under the king of Qin, and how can Qi and Qi's dignity be so humiliated by you!"

But Qi Wang Tianjian shook his head.

"You still don't understand, it's already the general trend of Qin's domination of the world."

At this time, Doctor Jimo stood up.

"There are only nations that die in battle, and there is no king who kneels to survive!"

Doctor Jimo was the most important position in Qi.

Because it has sealed Wanjia, but Qi is not called Wanhuhou!

Its fief, Jimo, is the most prosperous place in Qi.

When the State of Yan attacked the State of Qi, the previous Jimo doctor, Tian Dan, even set up a fiery bull formation, defeating the six-nation coalition led by Le Yi in one fell swoop.

Of course, Jimo City is also one of the five capitals of Qi.

The state of Qi is divided into five capitals and seventy-two counties.

The five capitals are Linzi City, Pinglu City, Gaotang City, Jimo City, and the last Yingqiu City.

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