"It looks like it should be ready to go down the road."

Changping-jun couldn't help but look to the north.

There, it is the direction of Qi State.

"The King of Qi Tian Jian was originally a fool, and his uncle Sheng Sheng, as the prime minister of Qi, was actually bought by Qin long ago."

"In this way, the ethos of not fighting naturally overwhelms the strength of the war of resistance."

"Since this is the case, we must let the forces in Qi that want to resist completely rise up, and finally achieve the goal of fighting Qin with us."

I have to say that Changping-jun's idea is really good.

But he also underestimated the determination of Qi Wang Tianjian.

Qi Wang Tianjian did not wait for the news of Housheng to come back.

The New Year of Qi State is still not very enjoyable.

As soon as the year passed, Qi Wang Tianjian no longer waited for Housheng's reply, but directly led his subordinates, sneaked in disguise, and went directly to Qin.

When he arrived at the border of Qin, Tian Jian, King of Qi, passed on the uniform of King Qi, re-established his support, and walked directly to the checkpoint of Qin.

As the King of Qi, he naturally didn't have to go out into the wild, it would be too embarrassing to spread it like that.

At this time, the imperial sailors, looking at the approaching ship, inevitably had some doubts in their hearts.

"It's winter, and there's already a thin layer of ice on the river. Who is still driving the boat in this weather?"

"This ship looks very unusual!"

"The battleship is dispatched."

The imperial navy guarding here directly dispatched two five-tooth warships nearby.

After all, this is the main waterway for Qi to reach Daliang, and it must be closely guarded to prevent accidents.

But when King Qi saw the two five-tooth warships, his heart was full of outrageousness.

In the past, when Qi and Wu fought, they built [-] ships in one go.

Coupled with the fact that the state of Qi itself is close to the sea, the shipbuilding technology naturally goes without saying.

The boat he was on was more than 40 meters long and three stories high. Naturally, it was already considered a behemoth.

It's just that it looks so small compared to the toothless warships of the Imperial Navy.

In particular, Qi Wang Tianjian saw the dark muzzle exposed on the hull.

Today, the five-tooth warship has been modified, and there are 20 artillery pieces on one side, which looks extremely terrifying.

His bodyguard could not help walking to the bow.

"King Qi is going to Xianyang City to meet King Qin."

When the guard finished speaking, the wooden door on the third floor of the building was pushed open by the two maids, revealing the slightly emaciated King Qi Tianjian inside.

Seeing this, the captain of the Imperial Navy couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

They never thought that Qi Wang Tianjian actually drove a small boat and came directly to the territory of Qin.

Chapter 269 The Captain of the Empire Showing Off His Power in Front of King Qi! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

They never thought that Qi Wang Tianjian actually drove a small boat and came directly to the territory of Qin.

And looking at his surroundings, it seems that there are not many guards.

Even if there is, it is not enough for them to kill.

"Let's... do we just grab it for King Qi and give it directly to the king."

A navy soldier frowned with excitement.

The captain was also a little moved at this time.

What a credit for capturing the king of a country!

At least the big house that Ying Zhengrang built in Shanglin Garden is likely to be assigned a set.

But in the end, he sighed helplessly.

"The fact that King Qi wants to meet the king has long been spread in the country. If we do this, we will lose credibility in the country."

"The law will never allow us to do this."

"If that's the case, then let's escort King Qi for a while!"

The captain of the five-tooth warship personally escorted the boat built by Qi Wang Tianjian to Daliang City.

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It was the first time that Qi Wang Tianjian saw the strength of the Qin navy.

The big ship broke through the thin ice without any difficulty at all.

He also did not ask the battleship.

"Those black holes are the artillery that broke through Chucheng Shouchun?"

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