The captain looked proud.

"Of course, we can demonstrate it to the king."

These captains have the right to practice artillery every month.

After all, for artillery, training is very important, and only in this way can we fight more accurately.

Furthermore, if gunpowder is not used for a long time, it will also get damp.

Finally, because soldiers can only be trained in actual combat, as long as there are enough shells on board to deal with the war, other excess gunpowder and shells can be used for training.

0 .... ...

Now the captain of the empire's five-toothed warship is even more interested in showing off the empire's military power in front of this king of Qi.

When twenty artillery pieces were fired at the top of a Stone Mountain, the directly hit gravel fell into the water one after another.

Qi Wang Tianjian heard the huge roar of the artillery, and was even more frightened and pale.

He has been in the palace for a long time and rarely walks out of the palace, so his courage is naturally much smaller.

But the most important thing is the power of the artillery, the tongue of fire that spewed out, and the hill that was smashed into rubble, my heart was full of shock.

"Stones can be shattered, not to mention city walls!"

"The power of a warship is still like this. If more than ten warships are bombarded together, what kind of scene would it be?"

At this moment, Qi Wang Tianjian was full of longing in his heart.

Without that man, I am not interested in this artillery.

Of course, he couldn't help but think about what would happen if the artillery landed on the city wall of Qi.

"Even if the common people are blocked behind the city wall, they will not be able to block this hole at all."

"The power of this artillery is enough to destroy everything!"

"It would be great if this cannon could be used by me."

Qi Wang Tianjian's arms could not help but be full of many longings.

If the soldiers of the five capitals of the Qi state are fully prepared with these artillery pieces, will the army of the state of Qi be as strong as the state of Qin? .

Chapter 270 What King Qi saw and heard in Daliang City

For Qi Wang Tianjian, the trip to Xianyang of Qin has completely subverted his imagination.

He knew the strength of the Qin state, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.

The power of that artillery has completely subverted Qi Wang Tianjian's cognition of war.

"This kind of artillery can easily defeat the city walls of Linzi."

"Furthermore, the warships owned by the Qin state are not the only two."

"It is said that there are thirteen warships attacking Shouchun City!"

"And an ironclad."

Thinking of this, Qi Wang Tianjian couldn't help inviting the captain to the ship.

"Qin, does it really have ironclad ships?"

"Yes, that one is the king's ship."

"How can an iron ship float in water?"

"I don't know, but the craftsmen of the Emperor's "Eight Seven Seven" country can do it."

Qi Wang Tianjian was a little shocked when he heard the captain's words.

Today, the Qin people have called Daqin an empire.

Moreover, when the Qin people called the empire, their eyes were full of pride!

At the same time, he was even more shocked by this technology.

"Can the widow see that ironclad ship?"

"Then I have to ask the king. I believe the king would be happy to show you."

"Can the widow go and see the artillery now?"

The captain hesitated a little more, and said after a long time, "This is a secret in the military, I can't make a decision, otherwise the law will not allow me, I am afraid that I have not been brought on board the ship, and the military judge on the ship will kill me. "

Qi Wang Tianjian felt some regrets in his heart.

He is the king of a country, and he can't even watch it.

However, the captain in front of him was also very powerful, and he used quite euphemistic words to completely reject him.

This made him not feel the slightest resentment in his heart.

But the captain quickly said: "If King Qi wants to see you, you can naturally ask the king, and the king says yes, then naturally you can."

Qi Wang Tianjian heard this and couldn't help but become more curious about Qin's trip.

Everything in the Qin state had already escaped his imagination, which shocked him.

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