Soon, he came to Daliang City under the escort of the Qin State warship.

This used to be the capital of Wei State, and he never said it.

The majestic city walls were dark in color, which filled him with curiosity.

"The city wall of Daliang City is the best in the world, but why is the city wall so black?"

"It was burnt to this color by the great king."

When Qi Wang Tianjian heard this, his heart was filled with emotion.

The power of King Qin has indeed exceeded his imagination.

And as he entered the city of Daliang, he imagined that the people here should be full of hatred for the people of the empire, but when the old Qin captain entered the city, the Wei people who were originally here looked respectful!

The soldiers of the Qin people walked in the city of Daliang with their necks held high, and the faces of the former Wei people were full of envy.

"The country of the Wei people was destroyed by the Qin people, why can't you see the slightest sadness on the faces of the Wei people?"

King Qi couldn't help asking the captain.

"That's because the king has given the people of Wei a better life."

Then, in an open wine shop, King Qi saw that Wei people didn't use the pottery bowl on the table when eating, but prepared a small wooden box, which was completely laid out at this time.

This strange situation made King Qi a little curious.

"Is this a strange custom of the Wei people?"

Chapter 270 What King Qi saw and heard in Daliang City-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Is this a strange custom of the Wei people?"

Just when King Qi thought of this, he found that in the wooden box, there was a piece of extremely delicate porcelain, which looked beautiful with wooden chopsticks.


King Qi was very interested in the ceramic bowl in the hands of the commoner, and under the protection of the guards, he went directly over.

"Widow... I want to buy this jade bowl in your hand, you can make an offer."

For King Qi, he has endless wealth. After seeing a set of ceramic bowls, he wants to buy them back.

It's just that Wei Ren held the porcelain bowl and looked at King Qi angrily.

"This is something that the king gave me. It is more important than my life. Even if I die, it will be passed on to my descendants."

When King Qi heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

Could it be that this Wei person has made some contribution to the Qin state, and will be rewarded by Ying Zheng.

"Since it's so precious, why don't you cherish it and take it out to eat instead?"

The Wei man's face was flushed... . . . .

"That's because the king said that this ceramic bowl is for me to eat!"

When King Qi heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

At this time, everyone nearby turned to look at King Qi.

Among them, the boss couldn't help but leaned over and said, "Didn't you receive the ceramic bowl from the king?"

"Do you have one too?"

"Of course, all the people of Qin have received this kind of reward during the Chinese New Year."

"All Qin people have this kind of treasure?"

"It's natural? But why don't you?"

When King Qi heard this, his expression was in a trance.

All Qin people have this kind of treasure.

Can this still be called a treasure?

King Qi didn't know, but he felt that coming to Daliang City had subverted his cognition even more.

Just when the diners in the room were about to despise King Qi, the captain walked in.

The board crown on his head proved his title, and everyone bowed their heads respectfully.

"This is King Qi, and he is a guest of the king, you all respect it!"

When the guests in the room heard this, not only were they not afraid, but they were more surprised.

"My lord, has the state of Qi been broken as well? Has the king ruled the world now?"

This was said in front of King Qi, and King Qi called it an embarrassment.

The person who said this in particular used a 0.2 accent of Daliangcheng, Wei, but the team that was standing was Qin.

They didn't have the consciousness of being the people who destroyed the country at all, but they were applauding Da Qin!

Looking at the surrounding Wei people, they were all concerned about Da Qin from the bottom of their hearts.

This could not help but make King Qi feel a little jealous.

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