If the state of Qi is destroyed by Ying Zheng, will the people of Qi forget him, the King of Qi, in a short period of time, and everyone thinks that they are from the Great Qin?

King Qi didn't know if this would happen at all.

But he thought it was possible.

"Dominate the world!"

"I didn't expect that this is the dream of all the wise kings in the Seven Kingdoms."

"Why don't you want to be a widow?"

"It's just that when the widow took over the power from the queen mother, it has become the last stumbling block to rule the world."

Text Chapter 271 King Qi walks on the imperial road

What King Qi saw and heard in Daliang City made him feel extremely sad.

Compared with the King of Qin, he is more like a faint king.

How long has Wei been occupied, the Wei people have almost completely forgotten the former Wei state, but are excited by the good news of the Qin state.

They have been completely assimilated into Qin people!

If the people of Qi State were occupied by Qin State, he could imagine what the final result would be.

Just these, he can't think more.

At night, he just wanted to have a good rest so that he could continue on his way.

"Tomorrow, are we really going to land? It's really too bad to have a bumpy ride."

When King Qi said this, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy in his heart.

It's normal to ride a car, even if the king of Qi, who holds great power, can put a lot of soft cushions in the car, he can't avoid such bumps.

Some trails are especially painful to walk.

He felt extremely painful for tomorrow's journey.

However, the soldiers of the Qin State who were in charge of his trip to Xianyang comforted him: "Although King Qi is careful, he can walk from Daliang City to Xianyang in less than three days."

When King Qi heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

"Is it that fast?"

"Naturally, galloping along the road, the speed is naturally extremely fast."

"If there were less pauses in the middle, I might be able to reach Xianyang in two days."

Hearing this, King Qi couldn't help but raise a glimmer of anticipation in his heart.

In the early morning of the second day, King Qi had already got up and took a carriage.

Getting up when the cock crowing is a quality that every king must have.

Don't think that being a king can enjoy endless glory, and that being a king will also bear corresponding responsibilities.

If something goes wrong, you will be held responsible.

Then, King Qi got into the carriage.

From the direction of Daliang City going out of the city, according to the laws of Qin, there are three roads.

The one in the middle is always reserved.

Except for the king who can walk, only the mailman can walk.

On the left is the path taken by civilians, where a long queue is photographed.

On the right is the official road.

As King Qi, as a king, in this case, he can naturally take the middle road.

This made Qi Wang quite happy.

But he didn't know that although the kingly way was said to be kingly way, sometimes it would still be occupied by the common people.

After all, in the world of this empire, no matter which city there is a king's way, but the king's way is so well built, it is impossible for Ying Zheng to walk on it every day.

However, the sky above cannot be allowed to be in the sky, so ordinary people can also walk.

In the past, the people of Daliang City could naturally follow the royal way, but the county governor of Yingchuan County deliberately did so after knowing that King Qi was here.

The purpose is to make King Qi feel the advanced system of the empire.

After King Qi left the city, he saw an extremely flat loess road.

The carriage also ran wildly on this road.

King Qi was shocked when he saw that there was no bump in the carriage.

"This road may not be built too smoothly!"

Chapter 271 King Qi walks on the imperial road -->> (Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"This road may not be built too smoothly!"

King Qi was full of emotion.

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