Even in the city of Linzi, the road specially built for him may not be so smooth!

At the same time, on this road, he was able to see many businessmen rushing on the road with carriages, and he could even see people riding on steeds and galloping on it!

This made King Qi so shocked that he couldn't say anything.

"If Qi Kingdom is like this, how wonderful it would be!"

And Qin Bing, who was following him, said: "King Qi, this is nothing at all, this road has not been completed yet, if you can run for another hour, the road from Handi to Xianyang in front of you will be built a long time ago. ."

"There is a real gallop."

King Qi couldn't help being a little surprised, but at the same time, in the deepest part of his heart, countless curiosity arose.


Whether it's true or not, Tian Jian will know at a glance.

An hour later, he saw the real gallop!

On both sides of the galloping road, separated by a certain distance, large trees will be planted, and there are two drainage ditches on both sides of the galloping road to prevent too much water on the road!

The carriage is galloping on this road, it is simply very pleasing to the eyes!

Just looking at the farmland with trees and scenery on both sides, King Qi has a feeling that he has been walking on this road all his life.

"It's really shocking that the common people of Qin State can take such a good road."

King Qi couldn't help thinking in his heart.

While resting, the soldiers of Qin State said: "This gallop is nothing, the horse track from Yan State to Xianyang is the real stability."

"If this Daliang City goes to Xianyang City, you only need to sleep in this carriage. The carriage will not stop at all, and the horses will only be changed continuously in the middle. Until Xianyang, the carriage will really stop."

"It's really comfortable to travel on that kind of horse track."

"Originally, the king planned to spread this kind of horse track across the whole country, but later he developed something better."

"It is said that the thing is called a steam train."

"That thing walks on the rails, without the need for cows and horses, it can walk on its own, and it can also stop at all times."

"Once the steam train is laid out, it will take less than a day from Da 007 Liang to Xianyang."

When Qi Wang Tianjian heard what the Qin man said, it was like listening to the Arabian Nights.

He couldn't imagine at all, how could there be such a thing in this world!

If this is really the case, wouldn't it take less than two days to send troops from Xianyang, and Qin's troops would directly hit Linzi, the royal city of Qi, just like the soldiers of the heavens?

Thinking of this, Tian Jian couldn't help feeling that this was impossible.

Chidao is good enough, and it is enough to greatly enhance the military strength of Qin.

Why build such a good railroad track?

Isn't this galloping road gradually losing its usefulness?

Qi Wang Tianjian still couldn't understand this matter.

But after two days of running on this road, he did not feel any bumps and fatigue, but felt that the experience was more vigorous.

Because the closer you get to Xianyang, the richer it becomes, and everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles.

This is different from the numb Qi people.

Here, there is vitality everywhere!

The most important thing is that everyone speaks the name of King Qin.

"In Qin State, King Qin is not their king at all, but a god in their hearts!".

Chapter 272 Recalling Shang Yang in Hangu Pass

King Qi felt that in the eyes of Qin people, Ying Zheng was not a king at all, but a god.

Because after seeing this gallop, and thinking of Ying Zheng leading the Qin army and easily occupying so many countries.

He couldn't help but feel that Ying Zheng and the gods were almost the same.

Going from Chidao, it is natural to enter the customs.

This level is Hangu Pass.

Qin had four passes, Hangu Pass in the west and Wu Pass in the south.

Hangu Pass is the most dangerous pass in the world, and it is also the final place for the defense of the empire.

After passing through Hangu Pass, it is inside the pass.

Outside the Hangu Pass, there is a long queue to enter the pass after inspection.

And those Qin people didn't look impatient at all, but waited quietly.

It's just the front, but it's a little smoky.

"Those officials, why are they smoking cigarettes on passers-by, carriages and horses? It's so irritating!"

King Qi covered his mouth and nose involuntarily.

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