"Compared with Qi, it is like two worlds."

"And the laws of the Qin state are made by Shang Yang. Those who can change the law will not end well in the end, and Shang Yang is no exception."

Hearing this, the Qin people said, "Shang Jun formulated the laws of the Qin state. Although it is worthy of respect, it has also offended too many people."

"Up to the princes and nobles, down to the people of Li, all of them have been offended."

"So after his death, no one felt sorry for him."

Hearing this, King Qi nodded involuntarily.

"From the widow's point of view, the fundamental reason why Shang Yang was killed was because he had too much power."

"Maybe King Xiang of Qin can tolerate that he owns one-third of the fiefs of Qin, that is, the fiefs of business land."

(Good King's) "But after King Qin Xiang died, his son would never allow him to have such great power, so he would have to kill him."

"It's ridiculous that Shang Yang was bound by himself. When he was fleeing and staying in the store, he forgot to bring the testimonial and biography. Instead, he was accused of it, and he almost didn't get caught."

"In the end, he escaped back to his fief by relying on a forged testimonial and passed on. He was entangled with his former subordinates and wanted to rebel, but he was quickly extinguished and executed."

The matter of Shang Yang has long been known throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

Qi is a big country, and Qin is also a big country, so King Qi is naturally very aware of Qin's affairs.

Especially in the past few years, the relationship between Qi and Qin has always been very good, and King Qi is naturally familiar with Shang Yang's affairs.

It is a pity that Shang Yang could not use his own death to finally defend the law he enacted.

After all, he is just a man with selfish desires! .

Text Chapter 273 The vacant land in Xianyang City!

King Qi walked on the prosperous Guannei land, and his heart was full of emotion.

It was Shang Yang who gave Qin the chance to rule the world.

It was also because of the encounter with Ying Zheng that the country of Qin really had this opportunity.

The Qin soldier next to him didn't have much expression on his face when he mentioned Shang Yang.

But after speaking of Qin Wang Yingzheng, his eyes were filled with endless admiration.

"The king is the real god. Only when the king is there can we have a better hope! Have a better future."

"We don't need to do anything, we just need to perfectly follow every order the king has given us."

When King Qi heard this, he couldn't help saying: "There are so many of you, can King Qin give orders to each of you?"

"The law is the command of the king."

After hearing this, King Qi shook his head helplessly.

Qin Wang Yingzheng, in the Qin Kingdom, has really been deified!

This emotion even infected him.

Afterwards, King Qi saw the waterwheel, saw the Quyuan plow, came to Shanglin Garden, and saw the so-called 'back garden' of King Qin.

He did not expect that Ying Zheng's back garden would be so large.

"Why are there still these Qin people in King Qin's Upper 697 Linyuan? Isn't this the territory of King Qin?"

"The whole world is the king's territory. Shanglin Garden is just the king's back garden. The king likes it here, and of course the people will come to build it."

"Shanglinyuan hasn't been built yet?"

"It's still a long way off. Now only the Craftsman City is complete, as well as the Imperial Canal and some factories. We'll see it all on our way to Xianyang next."

Hearing this, King Qi nodded involuntarily.

He couldn't help but be more curious about this.

The first thing I saw was the Imperial Canal.

The two sides of the Imperial Canal are full of factories. Waterwheels are rolling in the canal, which are linked with huge rollers and directly transmitted to the inside of the factory.

"What do these waterwheels do?"

"Your Majesty, use water power to build the empire!"

"I want to visit the factory, and I also need the consent of King Qin?"

"It's natural."

King Qi shook his head helplessly.

Then, he saw the craftsman city that anyone who saw it would be filled with infinite shock!

Chi Road, is to pass along the center of the craftsman city.

Here, some congestion has already been encountered, and it needs to be cleared by Qin officials to ensure normal passage.

King Qi looked at the craftsman city with a daze.

"How many people are there in this big city?"

"Three million people."

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