King Qi almost suffocated when he heard this.

300 million!

No matter who heard this, they would think it was an extremely terrifying number.

King Qi couldn't imagine how this city could accommodate these people.

It's just that every building is beautiful to the extreme.

For him, it was like a palace.

Especially on the windows, there is that kind of transparent glass, so that he can clearly see the whitewashed walls of the house...

Everything that came to Qin made him full of shock.

"This is Xianyang?"

"No, this is just a craftsman city."

"Why is it called Craftsman City?"

Chapter 273 The vacant land in Xianyang City! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Why is it called Craftsman City?"

"Because it's just a place for craftsmen to live."

"Do the craftsmen of your country live in such a good place?"

When King Qi heard this, he felt that his heart couldn't take it anymore.

He felt that the craftsmen of the Qin state lived better than the great king of the Qi state!

The soldier said: "We were a little jealous at first, but then we learned that the king wants to give us a better house, and the construction of the Craftsman City is just to test the water, and our house will be better in the future. "

King Qi felt that he could no longer imagine it.

A city of three million people is unacceptable. As for the better house Qin Bing said, (bief) he has completely unimaginable.

Even King Qin, he couldn't help feeling that his imagination had become much barren at this time.

But soon, he couldn't help asking: "This city is so big, doesn't it need a city wall?"

That Qin Bing proudly puffed out his chest.

"Each of us is the city wall of the empire!"

King Qi heard this and was full of emotion.

At this time, he had the urge to spend a lot of money to dig this Qin soldier into the state of Qi as a high-ranking official.

Although there is no shortage of such Qin soldiers in the Qin state!

And the words of this Qin Bing also spoke of the strength of the empire very well.

Every Qin person is the most indestructible city wall of the Qin state.

It is precisely because the people of Qin thought so, that the country of Qin became stronger.

King Qi couldn't help but think so.

After passing the Craftsman City, King Qi was even more listless like a wilted eggplant.

He knew that since the Qin state was able to build such a huge city in a state of war, it would not need to be so difficult to conquer his Qi state!

"The state of Qi is no longer able to be the enemy of the state of Qin!"

King Qi couldn't help thinking in his heart.

And he did not stay in the artisan city, but went directly to Xianyang.

After entering Xianyang City, Li Si came directly to meet King Qi.

Li Si is a celebrity in front of Ying Zheng, and King Qi is naturally clear on this point.

He didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction that Ying Zheng didn't come to see him in person.

But because of the problem of accommodation, there were some problems.

No matter what he said, he was also the king of a country. Where did he live?

On this point, Li Si hesitated for a long time.But in the end, he still had an idea.

"To the east of Zhangtai Palace, five national palaces have been built."

"I don't know which palace King Qi wants to live in?"

King Qi thought for a while and couldn't help but say, "The Palace of the King of Chu!"

"Compared with several other countries, it is still the palace of the king of Chu, which is more in line with his identity as the king of Qi.

It's just that when he went outside, he found something wrong.

"Why is there a blank place?

At this time, an official passing by couldn't help but say: "Hey, there, it's for the future Qiwang Palace to move here.

King Tian Jian of Qi, who had rested in this palace for one night, did not rest well.

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