Tian Jian Tian Jian, his father's biggest purpose is to build a country on the coast of Qi.

It's a pity that in the end, he didn't even mention the construction of Qi, and even the land left by his ancestors was not guarded.

And in this Xianyang City, I am afraid that it will not be long before this Qi Wang Palace will be added.

Because even King Qi himself knew it.

There is no one who can stop King Qin's unification of the world! .

Chapter 274 Six Kings Gather at Zhangtai Palace

In Xianyang City, Qi Wang Tianjian looked at the palace of the Seven Kingdoms, extremely embarrassed.

Right now, there is only the palace of Qi State that does not appear here, which makes him feel a little obedient.

He chose to stay in the Chu Palace, all because the state of Chu was as powerful as the state of Qi.

In fact, the fact that he chose to stay in this Chu Palace has already proved that he has become a minister to Ying Zheng.

Because of the Chu State, Ying Zheng had long since been completely destroyed.

But for King Qi, it looks like a broken jar.

Li Si Ze said: "King Qi can stay here temporarily, and tomorrow morning, you can see the king."

King Qi obviously felt Li Si's words, but he had heard too much along the way, and he was a little indifferent.

It's just that Ying Zheng didn't see him now, and was somewhat unhappy.

But this is also something that can't be helped.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

"Tomorrow, I will go to Zhangtai Palace to meet King Qin."

Qi Wang Tianjian knew very well that it was very difficult for Qi to survive the Qin war.

Then, he can only allow himself to obtain more benefits.

This is the real goal of Qi Wang Tianjian.

But it was extremely difficult to fall asleep tonight.

Until the next morning, King Qi woke up early, took a shower and changed clothes, and came to the outside of Zhangtai Palace early.

It's just that there are not many ministers outside the Zhangtai Palace.

On the contrary, Han Fei looked at King Qi in surprise.

"Why did King Qi come so early?"

"It's already early in the morning, I should meet King Qin earlier."

Han Fei laughed.

"It turns out that it's just that the king is in a grade with a long body. It is inevitable that he will sleep for a while. I am afraid it will take half an hour before we can let us in. King Qi will inevitably wait here for half an hour."

When Qi Wang Tianjian heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little unhappy.

He was the king of Qi, but he was waiting for the king of Qin in Qin.

This made him feel bad.

But he couldn't help but ask Han Fei, "Why did you come so early?"

Han Fei was extremely calm.

"I wanted to come in a hurry, but my father pulled me and insisted that I come earlier."

Han Fei stepped aside, revealing Han An's fat body.

Today's Han An, who is wearing the former Han King's mian clothes, is just worried at this moment.

"Is this the former King Han?"

"Not only is there the former King of Han, but the one with a beard over there who grows very tall is the former King of Wei."

"That thin, old-looking one is the former Yan Wangxi."

"Oh, and the one who is very young and looks very strong, is the former King of Chu who has lost his cud."

"It's a pity that King Zhao was killed by the king, otherwise he would definitely appear here."

"But now that there is King Qi, the kings of the six kingdoms in the past are basically all here."

When King Qi heard this, he couldn't help but look dazed.

He found out that those who came so early were the kings of the former six kingdoms.

Except that King Zhao was killed by Ying Zheng, almost everything was here.

They were in awe of Ying Zheng from the bottom of their hearts.

On the contrary, it was the courtiers of Qin who came very late.

Those former kings were full of sighs when they saw Queen Qi.

"King Qi is here too."

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