Chapter 274 Six Kings Gather at Zhangtai Palace -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"King Qi is here too."

"Shh, in front of the king, how dare we call him king, are we courting death..."

"It doesn't matter, the king will change to a more honorable title sooner or later. He also made us wear the old mian clothes, didn't he just see all the kings in our world and worship him."

"Now King Qi is here too."

"Is Qi State also destroyed? Did it surrender after a few days of fighting?"

The King of Chu could not help asking the King of Qi.

"Here, I persisted for the longest time, more than half a month..."

Speaking of which, the King of Chu was still a little complacent.

But soon he was ridiculed.

"Cut, it's not because the king stayed in Chu for so many days, otherwise how long do you think you can last?"

Han Wangan was not afraid of gushing at all.

After all, his son Han Fei was a celebrity in front of the king.

Moreover, he was also the first to take refuge in Ying Zheng, and the threat to Ying Zheng was the smallest, so there was no pressure at all at this time.

When King Qi heard these former kings showing off here, he couldn't help but be full of emotion.

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Because he knew very well that the kings wanted him to be with them.

In this way, everyone was wiped out by the Qin State, and it was not so embarrassing when they saw it.

At the same time, the kings also said: "I tell you, the days in Xianyang are much more comfortable than when you were the king, you don't have to worry about being beaten by someone, you just need to eat and die every day, and you don't have to worry about anything. "

"Yes, life in Xianyang is indeed more comfortable than when I was in Wei."

"Those ceramics and new-style housing, even if I have never seen them in Chu State, there are too many good things produced in the young mansion of the empire."

"Yes, yes, my son gave me a carriage made by Shaofu, that's called a comfort!"

At this time, Han Wangan was called a scumbag.


He has a good son Han Fei, this is something everyone knows, and it is also the helplessness of these great kings.

After all, many people know that Han Fei is likely to be named a marquis in Qin.

And the marquis position of Qin is no less than that of King Han.

This is something that many people envy.

Originally, there was Changping Jun in Qin State, but unfortunately he died in the later period, triggering the rebellion of Changping Jun.

This time, in the Qin Kingdom, he did not rely on him at all.

King Qi looked at the state of these kings with some emotion in his heart.

He knew that sooner or later he would be like them.

But in his heart, there was some unwillingness.

"Han Fei is the royal family of South Korea, and he can still have such a position in Qin."

"I, why can't I?"

Thinking of this, King Qi calmed down.

He knew that when he came to Xianyang this time, it was impossible for him to keep the integrity of the state of Qi.

However, he could still negotiate with Ying Zheng on better terms for recruiting and surrendering.

It's just that in the hearts of several other great kings, King Qi is not even qualified to negotiate at all.

Because the army of the empire is really too powerful.

Especially the Qin state.

What Qin Guo particularly likes is fighting!

Whoever refuses to accept it will be completely subdued!

King Wei approached the state of Qi, and finally whispered to King Qi: "Your Majesty likes good-natured people. If you listen to me, if you see your Majesty and bow your head, that's the best way."

Chapter 275 The proud Lu Buwei!King Qi is a vassal!

When King Qi listened to the words of these former kings, he couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

No matter what these people say, they are also kings of a country, but they are so spineless right now.

But thinking of Ying Zheng's incomparably powerful exploits, he was also somewhat uneasy in his heart.

It was already morning, and Lu Buwei took the car and slowly came to the front of Zhangtai Palace.

When King Qi saw Lu Buwei, he could not help but walk over and pay his respects.

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