Ying Zheng took the King of Qi and came directly to a common people's home.

When the craftsman in the family knew that it was the king who came here, he was so excited that he almost fell to his knees.

King Qi looked at the furnishings in the craftsman's home and couldn't help sighing.

"Do you think craftsmen are so rich?"

One of the old women trembled and said, "These are all gifts from the king."

450 King Qi looked at Ying Zheng in disbelief.

"Could it be that this city was given to these craftsmen by the king?"

"They serve the empire and will naturally be rewarded by the empire."

"From now on, anyone who serves the empire will have a better life."

"They are only craftsmen, and they live in ordinary houses. Qin officials naturally live better than this."

When Ying Zheng said this, King Qi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The craftsmen of the Qin state all live in such high places. Could it be that the officials of the Qin state all live in palaces?Living in a better place than his King Qi?

And when he saw the blueprint of the new city, his breathing had completely slowed down.

"This city can still accommodate a million people..."

"It's like a palace!"

King Qi couldn't believe his eyes.

He felt that Ying Zheng was simply crazy!

He actually spent so much manpower and material resources to build such a good place for those officials!

However, when he looked at the place here, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

He also wanted a house like this.

Ying Zheng said: "As you are, it is not difficult to want a house in the widow's reward."

King Qi has kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"What does the king want me to do?".

Body Chapter 277 Killing those who oppose Qin!

Qi Wang Tianjian began to feel a little excited about life in the empire.

He saw that the kings who surrendered were still living quite well in this Xianyang city.

If you can't grasp the power of Qi, it is also a good choice to come here to be a rich man.

And Ying Zheng didn't let him surrender like this, obviously he had his reasons.

At this time, Ying Zheng had already brought him into the imperial factory.

In this dreamlike factory, King Qi saw a lot of equipment, all of which moved on their own, reducing a lot of manpower.

Ying Zheng touched a cannon and said slowly.

"The widow has unified the seven countries, and there are many others who are not convinced."

"They are organized to destroy the empire, which will undoubtedly make the world chaotic again."

"So, the widow has to cast a net to catch all the rebels from the seven countries."

When King Qi heard this, he felt foggy.

"The light redemption minister is stupid and doesn't quite understand the meaning of the king."

"I want you to gather all the anti-Qin people in the world in the name of King Qi and gather them in Qi."

"The widow will also cooperate with you, creating the illusion that the state of Qi can completely defeat the state of Qin!"

"And when those rebels are all gathered in Qi, the army of widowers will wipe them all out."

"From now on, the empire will have no more troubles."

Ying Zheng did this, but it was a typical plan to end a household.

His previous war, although destroying these countries, left a lot of hidden dangers.

Now Ying Zheng wants to use the last state of Qi to eliminate these hidden dangers in one fell swoop.

It's a game!

After King Qi heard Ying Zheng's words, he was trembling with fear.

He saw Ying Zheng's face was extremely serious, and then looked at the destroyed artillery in Ying Zheng's hands.

This means that Ying Zheng is not afraid of his fake drama at all!

But if he really did this, his future reputation as King Qi would be really stinky in the country of Qi!

Because he wants to kill even the people of his own country.

But in front of Ying Zheng, does he have the right to refuse?

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