absolutely not!

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and say, "If I can do this for the king, I don't know if the king can treat me kindly ¨".

"Although you can no longer be the King of Qi, you can still be the Marquis of the Empire."

King Qi thought that the gold content of the Marquis of Qin was almost the same as this King Qi, and finally nodded.

"Okay! I am willing to serve the king."

With King Qi's answer, those anti-Qin Confucian scholars in the world still don't know that they, like little fish in the river, are about to be completely caught by the net formed by King Qin and King Qi.

And then, it's about the details.

"The widow's shadow guard commander, as well as the Jinyi guard, will follow you to Qi."

"On the one hand, it is to protect your safety, and on the other hand, it is to investigate who constitutes those anti-Qin alliances."

Hearing this, King Qi couldn't help showing a touch of bitterness on his face.

It was obvious that Ying Zheng was going to his side, the one who was watching over him!

However, there is no way to do this.

Even if Qi State really gathered the anti-Qin people from the seven countries together, it would not be able to resist Qin State's attack at all.

Because Ying Zheng touched a cannon, but in this warehouse, there are thousands of large and small cannons!

In the face of such powerful strength, even if he was King Qi, he had to kneel down to Ying Zheng.

After his certain will was disintegrated, he couldn't help but say: "The anti-Qin people in Qi, in addition to going to Qi, also have Changping Jun."

Chapter 277 Killing the Anti-Qin People! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

After his certain will was disintegrated, he couldn't help but say: "The anti-Qin people in Qi, in addition to going to Qi, also have Changping Jun."

Ying Zheng then laughed.

"Don't worry, Changping-Jun can't struggle for too long."

King Qi couldn't help but guess something.

Next, King Qi saw the Empire's Black Armored Cavalry, the Empire's Guanning Cavalry, and the Empire's Iron Buddha!

He was even more fortunate to see that ironclad ship, and even went up to ride it!

This scene is telling how powerful the empire is!

As for the porcelain of the empire, Ying Zheng even gave him a few sets, which made him feel that his trip to Qin was really in vain.

Moreover, looking at those troops, he no longer has the slightest intention to be the enemy of the empire.

That way, there will only be slag left by the iron hoof of the empire!

In this case, it is better to be a minister of the empire.

"Perhaps the empire can really reuse me only if I have swindled those rebels in the Seven Kingdoms."

King Qi knew very well that he was pursuing an opportunity for his own destiny!

Afterwards, King Qi said to Yingzheng, "Your Majesty, this time I came here and brought some special products to Your Majesty. Among them, there are hundreds of beautiful women in Guangqi."

"These people are very young."

For people in this era, beauty is always given as a gift.

No one cares whether these women are willing or not.

This is the system of the other six countries.

Of course, it was much better in Qin.

In the Qin state, as long as they are women of Qin people, they have a great status.

Even Qin women can inherit the property of their husbands and children.

In this era, women can't do anything without being educated by feudalism in later generations.

Otherwise, in this era, there will be no such characters as Ba Widow Qing.

For these beauties, Ying Zheng naturally accepted them all.

Some who can be trained will naturally stay in the palace.

Luna will train them very obediently.

As for those with poor looks, they can be rewarded to those courtiers.

This is the rule of the times, and Ying Zheng does not intend to break this rule.

"." It seems that it won't be long before the widow can build the Epang Palace. "

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking to himself.

He always (Zhao Hao) had an obsession with Epang Palace.

He felt that only when the Epang Palace was completed, such a magnificent Epang Palace could be regarded as the true core of the empire!

But for now, killing those rebels is a very important thing.

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