It is a pity that even if King Qi has surrendered, the system has not recognized that King Qi has surrendered.

"This may require a surrender ceremony before a systematic determination can be made."

Qi Wangtian stayed in Shanglin Garden for five days, and then left completely.

Except for Ying Zheng on the first day, Li Si or Han Fei accompanied him on other occasions.

King Qi naturally did not have any complaints.

And when King Qi completely left the core of the empire and was about to accompany Ying Zheng to kill those who rebelled against Qin, the army of the empire also followed up with the Chu army led by Lord Changping to carry out a final cleanup!

ps, I have had a headache for a day today, I feel like I'm about to die, and I haven't been able to update six.

Six tomorrow. .

Body Chapter 278 Huainan Battlefield

For Changping-Jun, Ying Zheng did not choose to do it himself.

For the remaining 20 Chu troops, Wang Jian and Meng Wu were enough.

Even this time, Ying Zheng didn't even dispatch Yu Linwei.

"The Guanning Iron Cavalry led by Meng Wu has just been formed."

"But the army of the empire, the least afraid of it, is to go on a horse to fight!"

"It only takes a simple adaptation to show enough power."

"This Guanning Iron Cavalry will also grow on the battlefield of real blood and fire."

The army of the empire needs this kind of army that can win battles.

If you can't win the battle, then there is no need to exist.

However, this time, it was still Xiang Yan of Chu State.

During the battle to destroy Chu, he did not fight Xiang Yan head-on, so Xiang Yan still retained a lot of strength.

Coupled with the prestige of Lord Changping, they have gathered many anti-Qin elements and formed a huge anti-Qin alliance.

These are naturally the forces that can cause chaos in the empire.

Ying Zheng naturally would not allow these forces to exist.

Of course, in addition to testing Mengwu in this war, Wang Jian was also in the rear.

983 "The army of the empire this time is not only the Guanning iron cavalry led by Meng Wu."

"Even the Three Thousand Iron Buddha was taken away by Meng Wu."

"Of course, there are still [-] artillery pieces delivered to Wang Jian for use."

"The widow thinks that these powers, even if they are fighting Qi, are enough!"

"Of course, dealing with these remnants is also a matter of practice."

Ying Zheng opened the system map and saw the current situation of the army.

"This time Wang Jian led only [-] old Qin troops."

"But the real main force is the Tiefu Tu led by Meng Wu, and the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry."

"These six thousand heavily armored cavalry are the real strength of the empire."

Ying Zheng was full of expectations for this.

At this time, Meng Wu, riding a horse, was full of emotion.

"I used to be greedy for life and fear of death, always hoping to live better on the battlefield."

"I didn't expect to end up with such a result in the end."

"Your Majesty asked me to capture Changping-kun..."

"Although I have some relationship with Changping-kun, I didn't expect that (bicc) would eventually usher in such a point."

Meng Wu said here, his eyes have burst out with extremely bright light.

"My father and son are destined to be the marquis of the empire!"

"And I don't want to be the waste of the empire!"

"You are all fighting for the empire, then I will use enough strength to prove that my Meng family has absolutely no waste."

"I also want to let the king know that I am Mengwu, and I am definitely not a waste!"

"Everyone, follow me and go!"

"Individual soldiers go deep, I ask you, are you afraid?"

The veteran beside Meng Wu suddenly laughed.

"Haha, General, are you kidding us? The army of the Empire doesn't even know how to write fear!"

"The general Taihui said, it has always been the army in this world that is afraid of us."

"That's right! Could it be that you are afraid of yourself, General, so you asked if we were afraid?"

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