Meng Wu rubbed his head helplessly as he listened to the soldiers around him coaxing.

"You old soldiers oily..."

"Haha, what kind of generals there are what kind of soldiers!"

"We live to win the battle for the Empire!"

第278章 淮南战场,三眼神铳初显威(1/6)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"We live to win the battle for the Empire!"

"When the king really needs us, how can we abandon the king and the country!"

After those old soldiers said this, they all put on their visors.

Everyone's eyes were extremely cold at this moment.

A murderous intent also rose in this sky.

These soldiers all showed a strong killing intent.

For them, the head of the enemy is their merit.

Soon, they saw a team of about a thousand people wandering in the Huainan area.

This is of course just a small team.

"Come on, crush them!"

Meng Wu's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"I like this kind of crushing battle!"

"Fuck them!"

For Meng Wu, perhaps he would be extremely hesitant when fighting head-on.

But this kind of war, which almost takes credit for nothing, is simply his favorite.

He even felt that if he missed this credit, he would be outraged.


These cavalrymen, whose armor was heavier than the black armored cavalry, faced the Chu army with only a thousand people in front of them, and it was a massacre.

When the warhorse arrived 50 meters away from the Chu troops, Meng Wu had already raised the three-eyed gun in his hand.



Bang bang bang!

A series of muffled sounds continued to sound on the battlefield, and pungent smoke continued to emerge from the three-eyed guns, and lead bullets greeted the thousand Chu people like raindrops.

"What is this!"

"I was shot..."

"How can the cavalry launch such a thing!"

For a time, these Chu soldiers became flustered.

The sound of the three-eyed gun is simply too scary!

Moreover, within 50 meters, the three-eyed gun can easily penetrate their leather armor. If they are hit in the head, they will die on the spot!

For a time, most of the thousand Chu people fell to the ground, with more or less bullet holes in their bodies.

In this era, after being shot, it is almost like death.

Coupled with the charge of Guan Ning's iron cavalry, this wave of thousands of people, with almost no suspense, was solved by Guan Ning's iron cavalry.

Meng Wu looked at the three-eyed gun in his hand and couldn't help but be amazed.

"This is really a good idea. Not only can it scare people, but it is invincible within [-] meters!"

"It's a pity that the range is too short. If the range is longer, it will be less powerful."

"Hurry up and clean up the battlefield, and carry the banner of this thousand-person team away to prove that we have killed the enemy."

"Others hurry up and dig out the lead. If you can save a little, just save a little."

After Ying Zheng watched Meng Wu's war, he couldn't help but feel more emotion in his heart.

"In this era, most of the wars are aimed at defeating the enemy's large army, and defeating the enemy in one fell swoop."

"But this Mengwu knows the truth of accumulating small wins into big ones."

"not bad."

"It seems that the widow let him lead this Guan Ning iron cavalry with three-eyed fire guns. There is really no mistake."

"It's just, I don't know when the widow can really set up the Shenji Camp!"

ps, the update is wrong, it is updated to the old book....

Text Chapter 279 Burning books and pitting scholars!The king is justice! (2/6)

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