On the Huainan battlefield, Meng Wu played very wretchedly.

The wars he fought were of the kind that were absolutely crushed.

When they meet three or five thousand people, they will pounce on them like hungry wolves.

Once encountering an army with a scale of tens of thousands of people, Meng Wu will take these iron cavalry as far as possible.

After so many times, even his generals were somewhat dissatisfied.

"General, we did this, did we fall into the prestige of the empire! With a wave of charges, those people can definitely be killed by us-."

Meng Wudao: "You know the fart, I want to bring back all of you!"

"We played more than a dozen games, big and small, and killed more than [-] people. Each of them can be divided into five heads."

"But, have we died from the beginning until now?"

When the generals heard this, they couldn't help touching their heads.

"It seems to be true, one is dead."

"That is, even if my son Meng Tian's Yu Linwei fights, he is invincible, but some people will still die at a time."

"But I'm his father after all. I want to fight without a brother dying!"

But soon a general said: "With the equipment of our heavy cavalry, it is difficult to want to die!"

Meng Wu was angry at the time: "You know the fart, do you know how much this armor is?"

"Even if it's a family of a gentleman, if you don't eat or drink and save for ten years, you may not be able to save enough for the suit of armor on your body!"

"I want these armors to suffer less loss."

"Otherwise, I'll sell it all to you, and it's not worth the money for this pair of armor!"

When Meng Wu said this, the soldiers couldn't help but sigh.

Indeed, these armors are simply their treasures, and a sword was cut on them, which is more distressing than being cut on them.

"This armor is indeed a treasure given to us by the king. It should be cherished as the general said."

When Ying Zheng heard Meng Wu's righteous words, he was mad at him.

"Mengwu's tactics and tactics are very novel and do not belong to this era."

"But if you are in command of the firearms war, it is indeed very suitable."

"As for these armors, the few people forged them to expand their territories."

"But if Meng Wu does this, he will be unlucky sooner or later."

On the Huainan battlefield, only Mengwu was the main force.

As for the [-] army led by Wang Jian, Huainan had already been encircled by this time.

They are constantly compressing the living space of Xiang Yan and others, in order not to give these rebels any way of life.

"Mengwu played too erratically on this battlefield, sometimes in front of the enemy, sometimes behind the enemy, stunned the enemy, constantly shrinking the territory, so that we can reverse their survival, keep getting smaller.”

Wang Jian's heart was filled with emotion.

"There has never been such a general in the empire. We used to think that he was very unqualified as a general, but now, he has brought the king's interspersed tactics to the extreme."

At this time, Wang Jian could not help but recognize Meng Wu in his heart.

His general said: "It's not that the equipment made by the king is too powerful. With that equipment, we can still be invincible."

"We are infantry, and the Meng family are cavalry. This is an irreversible fact."

"Besides, our equipment, iron and steel crossbows, chariots, catapults, and artillery are all available. Looking at the past and present, how many troops can be as powerful as us."

"Even if the credit was taken away by the cavalry, the brothers are inevitably a little unhappy in their hearts, why don't we fight too!"

The biggest unhappiness of the infantry is here.

The Qin state's war is the biggest way to rise.

第279章 焚书坑儒!大王就是正义!(2/6)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

The Qin state's war is the biggest way to rise.

But at the moment, the cavalry has eaten all the meat, and they can only drink some soup.

The cavalry were few in number, but they were many.

This can't help but make them want to fight even more.

But these will inevitably make them very jealous.

The old Qin people are warlike, this is something that has gone through six generations and accumulated in the bones.

Even if they are infantry, some people don't even have armor on them. They also hope that they will make achievements on the battlefield and seek welfare for future generations.

Wang Jian was very stable in fighting, but it was precisely because he was so stable that the cavalry took all the credit for it.

"Wait a little longer. When we face the main force of Xiang Yan's army, we still have to look at us."

"This time, the king will completely kill all the taxis here."

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