"Your Majesty didn't kill so many people before."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0 ・・・

"These people are good at inciting the people and spreading ideas that are not conducive to the rule of the empire. Now that they have rebelled, do they still expect any kindness to them?"

"We have caught a lot of scholar-officials these days, what should we do next?"

"According to the king's order, the books found from them, as well as books from many people's homes, will be found and sent to Xianyang."

"What is the king going to do?"

"If there is no such chaotic world in the world, the world will only be the world of the empire, and there will be no internal disputes. All books that are unfavorable to the empire will be burned in Xianyang City."

"What about these Confucian scholars?"

"Kill them all!"

Wang Jian's voice was ruthless.


He knew very well that this was a necessary stage of the Empire's notification.

In the previous battle against the Seven Kingdoms, because the battle was too fast, many hidden dangers were left behind.

But this time, Ying Zheng will completely eradicate these hidden dangers!

Qi land in Chu land is undoubtedly the most powerful place to spread this kind of anti-imperial knowledge.

Then, in the face of these Confucian scholars and scholars in the world, it will no longer be the imperial policy of empathy, but the complete obliteration!

"Since the king came to power, Qin's laws have not killed many people, but I didn't expect that the king would treat these Confucian students so cruelly."

Wang Jian said: "Because these Confucian scholars are not involved in production, they only walk around with knowledge that they don't even know is right or not, and confuse the public with slanderous words, and eventually they will make the people of the world pay for what they do."

"These people are worthless."

"Indeed, these Confucian scholars can have so much wealth with just one mouth, but they cannot make the empire richer. This is really unfair. Such people should be killed."

In the army of the empire, many big pits have appeared one after another.

Those Confucian scholars were stripped of their clothes, and they were all pushed into the pit one by one, roaring in chaos.

"What do you want to do?"

"Wang Jian, he is his mother!"

"Even if I die, there will be more anti-Qin people. Justice cannot be killed."

A Qin Bing gave the man a cold look and spit on his face.

"The king is justice.".

Body Chapter 280 The king acts, using the country as bait (3/6)

No matter how those Confucian scholars struggled and cursed, or even begged for mercy, they could not touch the hearts of the Qin soldiers.

Because these Confucian scholars are already considered their credit.

And because the harm of these Confucian scholars is too powerful, this is a considerable credit.

Countless soils fell on those Confucian scholars, and finally this big hole was completely filled up.

"Load a few more trees here. They killed so many people when they were alive, and they should contribute a little when they die. At least they can be used as fertilizer for the trees."

Soon, a few trees were planted above the pit.

On the ground, they have been trampled on, and it is impossible for these people to escape from it.

"Now we have cheated Confucian scholars."

"It's just those books, but they have to be sorted out little by little before they can be burned."

Wang Jian couldn't help saying secretly.

"Come on, this last Huainan and Qi country are the places we have to plow a little bit, and we must not be negligent."

"If one of them is released, it may cause irreparable trauma to the people."

"Your Majesty only hopes that the people of the world will be only one country from now on, and there will be no more divisions and wars. From now on, the people of the world will live and work in peace and contentment. This is what Your Majesty wants to see."

A general said: "This is also what we want to see, but those guys in the cavalry, I am afraid everyone can get a new house. If we want to have it, I am afraid it will be difficult."

Wang Jian stroked his beard and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty won't favor one over another. Besides, that new city can accommodate a million people!"

"If it's really not enough, the big guys can pay together and see if the king can grant another piece of land. Let's find some people and build a few sets next to it."

When the generals heard this, their eyes became extremely bright.

"General Wang said yes, but it is still the most important thing to destroy Changping-Jun right now."

"Changping-Jun originally had a promising future, but in the end he chose this result."

Wang Jian said: "You must be clear, the king is the real son of destiny. Anyone who competes with the king will not get any good end."

"This Changping-Jun is a lesson."

But the general said: "General Wang, why do you always ask the king for so many good things every time you fight?"

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