"The king wants to rule more and more people, so why don't we want our descendants to become more and more prosperous."

"Haha, if the king wants to rule, they are all Chinese, not barbarians."

"Yes, only Huaxia people are the most honorable people in this world."

"But these people in Qi country seem to be disobedient!"

"If you don't obey, kill them all!"

At this time, those exiled people who entered the country and entered the state of Qi looked at the 'soldier of the state of Qi' standing on the top of the gate with excitement.

"These Qi soldiers are really strong. They deserve to be a big country in the East, and they deserve to be able to defeat the Qin army. Compared with the Qin army, these Qi soldiers are not weak at all."

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When those rebels saw these soldiers, their hearts were full of excitement.

They have more confidence in Qi.

But they didn't know that these soldiers were all soldiers of the Empire!

At the same time, they don't know that only [-]% of the people who can really pass the post-Qi Kingdom!

The remaining [-]% were detained by these so-called 'Qi Army' in various names!

In fact, these people are exiles after the destruction of the Five Kingdoms.

Now it has completely fallen into the pocket of the empire.

What they have to face will be based on the size of the crime, the small ones will be distributed to Liaodong for mining, and the bigger ones will be directly killed!

But these fugitives did not know that Qi State was a trap.


On the contrary, after seeing the prosperous state of Qi, his heart was even more excited.

"Qi has always been a big country in the East, and now there has been no war for decades. Even a small city on the border is so prosperous. I don't know how prosperous Linzi City is."

"Among the Seven Kingdoms, Qi is the place with the strongest economic strength. It is said that there are various scholars in Jixia Academy. It would be great if you were fortunate enough to listen to their courses."

"Haha, the state of Qi is what a country should be like."

"This time, we will meet King Qi's call, gather all the anti-Qin people in the world, and overthrow Ying Zheng's rule!"

"Yes, the King of Qin, He De He Neng, actually wants to rule all the people in the world."

"King Qi is too cruel, but we are fighting for freedom!"

"Yes, for freedom! Never live under the tyrannical rule of Qin."

"It's a pity that Brother Chen was detained by the checkpoint. I'm afraid he won't be able to come to Qi."

"It doesn't matter, when we follow the army back to Qin, we will see you again."

"I hope Brother Chen won't be caught by Qin people at that time!"

"I've been in exile for so long, of course not. Come on, everyone came to Qi for us, and drink too much!"

"Drink even!"

ps, I don’t know if I can write the [-]th watch today, but I can’t stop my yearning for the [-]th watch every day!

Today's update will not be less than yesterday! .

Chapter 285 The exile of Jixia Academy! (2/8)

These exiles from the five countries felt that when they came to Qi, they came to heaven.

Because here, there is no need to hide anymore.

They felt extremely excited.

In the Qi Kingdom, Jixia Academy is undoubtedly the highest institution in the world.

It's not just these exiles who are thinking of Jixia Academy.

Ying Zheng was also taking the attention of Jixia Academy.

"There is no doubt that Jixia Academy is the highest institution of this era."

"The reason why Jixia Academy is so called is because it is near the Jimen of Linzi City."

"This Jixia Academy was created by Tian Qi back then, and it is officially hosted and privately hosted."

"And the official doctrine of Jixia Academy is the most popular Huang-Lao doctrine in this era, which is the so-called Huangdi and Laozi's knowledge."

"[-]" "But if the cultural ideas of the Warring States Period were prosperous, most of them originated in this Jixia Academy!"

"Here, it has become the core area of ​​'a hundred schools of thought contending', and many books such as "Song Zi", "Guan Zi", "Sima Fa", "Yanzi Spring and Autumn" and so on have appeared one after another, which greatly promoted the intellectual prosperity of this era. "

"In fact, the thinking of this era is no less than that of later generations."

"The country of Yan was influenced by a hundred schools of thought, and a concession system appeared. Although it ended without a hitch, it was the greatest attempt of this era."

"The culture of Qi is prosperous, and there is a mercenary system. Although it can't win many battles, it is also a characteristic of Qi."

"And this Jixia Academy, as the place with the most free speech, although some ideas have far surpassed this era, it is not suitable for the development of this era, and it is not suitable for the rule of the empire."

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