"So the final result will only be to burn books and harass scholars!"

"In history, burning books and pit Confucianism was caused by the Qi people."

"Because their thinking is too free, it seriously affects the country's ability to become stronger."

"However, the burning of books and Confucians in history only killed more than [-] people."

"But this time the widow is going to kill, I'm afraid tens of thousands!"

"The reason why there are so many people is because the widow has gathered all the rebellious elements in the world into Qi and dealt with them together!"

"The widow also wants to teach this bloody lesson to make these people clear that everything that threatens the empire's rule should not be easily said!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were extremely cold.

The burning of books and Confucian scholars in this era, and the control speech of later generations, are simply weak.

After killing four hundred and sixty people, he got the name of Burning Books and Confucianism.

This time, Ying Zheng wanted to kill tens of thousands of people and kill all the corrupt Confucians in this world. Let's see who else in this world dares to be mad.

In fact, the tens of thousands of people who killed these people, and many more, were the ones who made a name for themselves. The knowledge in their stomachs may not be as good as that of the elementary school students of later generations, but they are complacent with the knowledge of others.

There is no doubt that these people will be within the scope of the crackdown.

Therefore, the current blockade of the Qi Kingdom can be said to be even tighter than that of the Empire.

Because the people who control the border of Qi are actually the Qin army!

These are naturally the results of King Qi's compromise.

At this time, King Qi stayed in the secret room with Hou Sheng, trembling all over.

"Uncle, if we help King Qin kill these people like this, we won't all come to us for revenge..."

Qi Wang Tianjian was a little scared at this time.

But the latter had a serious face.

"Don't worry, no one knows that we are uniting with King Qin, and we are going to pit them together!"

"But here, there are also officials of my Qi State!"

第285章 稷下学宫的流亡之士!(2/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"But here, there are also officials of my Qi State!"

"Those kings that the ministers wanted to kill eventually died. Even if they were not loyal ministers, it didn't matter if they killed them."

"Do they really not think too much?"

"The ones who killed them were all the Jin Yiwei of Qin, all the Qin army, not the king!"

When King Qi heard this, he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Don't call me the king, I don't even dare to call the widow. In this world, there is only one king, Ying Zheng."

"But you are still the King of Qi for the time being. You can't yell at this head, and we must not show your feet."

"Don't worry, I have been King Qi for so many years after all."

Qi Wang Tianjian tried his best to stop his body from trembling, because outside, thousands of scholars or anti-Qin scholars were all looking forward to his arrival.

And there is no doubt that the gathering place of these scholars is Jixia Academy...  

Because this is the most famous place in Qi State, Linzi.

Qi Wang Tianjian is going to meet the first batch of anti-Qin people!

Moreover, it is necessary to thoroughly stir up the anti-Qin storm.

Only in this way can all the anti-Qin scholars be attracted to Qi.

And when these exiles came to Qi State and saw King Qi arrive at Jixia Academy in Luan, everyone became excited.

"It's King Qi!"

"Yes, it's King Qi!"

"Only King Qi can fight King Qin!"

"Yes, only Qi Guo can listen to our plan and give us a chance to show our ambitions."

"As long as we serve Qi, sooner or later we will be able to retake the land that once belonged to us."

"Yes, that's right."

In the worship of everyone, King Qi sat in the highest position.

No one felt that there was anything wrong with King Qi, and even they didn't see King Qi's nervousness.

"I didn't expect King Qi to look so white."

Some exiles said excitedly.

They were excited to see King Qi's appearance.

But they didn't know that Qi Wang Tianjian's face was so pale, he was completely frightened!

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