After all, 0.5% of everyone here will be completely killed by him by [-]!

Although Qin Guo was extremely thorough, it couldn't contain the tension in King Qi's heart.

But Qi Wang Tianjian is also very clear that no matter what, this scene must be played well.

Otherwise, he won't get the trust of these people at all, then he is destined to be unable to continue to live.

After all, the Qin army had already occupied the strongest defense line of Qi!

"All of you are from the six countries, all of them are both virtuous and talented. Now sitting here with the widow, what you are doing is how to fight against the Qin country!"

"Compared to everyone, it is clear that my warriors of Daqi have defeated Li Xin and Wang Jian's army successively."

"If you work hard with the widow, and defeat the Qin army in one fell swoop, it will not be difficult..."

When King Qi said this, his back was completely wet with sweat. .

Text Chapter 286 Sishui Pavilion Chief, Liu Bang! (3/8)

Although King Qi said these words, the whole person was erratic, but the exiles below listened with relish.

After all, King Qi is also the last remaining king in this world, apart from King Qin!

As for the King of Qin...

That's just a monster!

King Qin's strength is enough to make these exiles swear.

King Qin seems to be high above, not the god of incense in the world, but this King Qi, who is willing to meet them and looks amiable.

This is the real king in their minds!

Some of them even stood up from their seats and said: "If the king can make me wait for the restoration of the country, Qi is destined to be the overlord of the world again!"

"Yes! At that time, the state of Qi was the real master of this world!"

"Only King Qi is worthy of being such a king!"

"When King Qi gives an order, none of the seven countries will obey."

When King Qi heard these people's words, he couldn't help but sneer.

Even if he can get the position of Overlord 19, what about after Overlord?

Zhou Tianzi was powerful, but in the end he was held by others to make the princes.

The state of Jin was strong, but eventually the state of Jin was divided.

The state of Chu is powerful, and the country has been established for [-] years, but the state of Chu has been destroyed!

As for Qi Kingdom?

The descendants of Jiang Taigong were indeed the hegemons of the world, but the current state of Qi is not the world of their Tian family?

Thinking of this, King Qi became more and more in awe of Ying Zheng.

Because Ying Zheng really wanted the world under his word.

Maybe the common people have other opportunities, but he absolutely does not allow the common people of the empire to betray the empire in the end!

This is the bottom line.

Otherwise, Ying Zheng could not have directly executed so many people this time!

"King Qin needs people very much, but killing so many people this time shows that King Qin is angry."

"When the Son of Heaven was angry, he buried millions of corpses. This is really well shown in King Qin's body."

"I, King Qi, look like a good old man, and I'm really a little embarrassed."

King Qi thought of this, and his heart was full of emotion.

It's just that this is something that can't be helped.

After all, he has little control over power.

Otherwise, who doesn't want to be like King Qin, who can set off endless storms with one word!

But this is something that King Qi can't do.

Besides, he, the King of Qi, probably won't be able to do it for long.

After all, there is King Qin's Jin Yiwei by his side.

He didn't want to die too soon.

He didn't even hear what these exiles were saying.

As a king for so many years, Tian Jian has achieved an achievement.

That is when the mind wanders, and no one will ever find out!

Qi Xianghou Sheng also knew that Qi Wang was not in the state, so he could not help but take over the words of these people.

He is competent for the position of the prime minister of the state of Qi, and he naturally possesses certain abilities.

For a while, Jixia Academy had a very pleasant conversation, and they were talking about what to do once they occupied the Qin state and restored the old place...

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