Compared with Liu Bang, the remnants of the Xiang family in the eastern part of the Chu region had a lot of hard work.

They did not have the opportunity to go to Qi, and could only continue to live in exile.

The most terrifying thing was that they were holding a two-year-old baby in their arms.

This is how this kid can wow wow hungry.

"Yu'er is hungry again, what should I do?"

"I used to be able to hire a nurse for Yu'er, but now we are being chased all over the mountain, where can we find a nurse?"

Soon, a warrior with scars on his face came down the mountain with a tiger on his back. He even had this deep claw mark on his body, and the blood scab on it had not dried up. His legs have been completely bitten off by the fierce tiger on the shoulders of the fierce warrior.

"General, we have searched the surrounding area for [-] miles, and we can't even find one that can breastfeed. Even if we want to find a cow, we can't find a cow. Fortunately, the stone that came back came across this tigress, just in time. There is milk."

"Are you injured?"

"For the sake of the young master, what's the point of being injured like this" ~."

The fierce man patted his chest, indicating that nothing happened.

The one behind him with the broken leg barely showed a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Xiang Bo knelt down directly at the two of them.

"Two great benefactors and great virtues, the Xiang family will never forget!"

But he was quickly helped by the fierce man.

"The general did this, but it just ruined us. The weather is too cold, and the young master is probably starving. Let the young master drink a sip of milk first."

After the fierce man finished speaking, he threw the tiger with its four claws bound on the ground.

"In today's weather, it's not easy to find someone with milk, but this tiger can still feed the young master for a few months, so you can keep this tiger first."

The Chinese people of this era are much more sturdy than the raptors.

The fierce people who dare to fight with tigers are piles of people, even more fighting nations than fighting nations!

Catching a tiger to feed it is naturally not a big deal.

If Ying Zheng saw this behind the scenes, he would definitely know why Xiang Yu grew up so fiercely.

However, if he sees this behind the scenes, I am afraid that the first time, this feather and all the remnants of the Xiang family will be completely killed.

Because Ying Zheng is very clear, Liu Bang may be better, but this Xiang Yu is the real scourge.

This young man who inherited the hatred of Chu State's destruction, his purpose in life is to destroy the empire.

In the past, Xiang Yu was sent by Xiang Liang to study poetry and calligraphy when he was a child, but he did not study.

Later, he was sent to learn swords, but he also did not learn.

Xiang Liang asked him why, and Xiang Yu replied: "Reading and literacy can only remember people's names. Learning swordsmanship can only be against one person. If you want to learn, you can learn to be against ten thousand enemies."

第287章 漏网之鱼(4/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

Xiang Liang asked him why, and Xiang Yu replied: "Reading and literacy can only remember people's names. Learning swordsmanship can only be against one person. If you want to learn, you can learn to be against ten thousand enemies."

Later, Xiang Yu began to learn the art of war.

However, in this era, Xiang Liang has been completely driven to death, and it is difficult to know what kind of fate Xiang Yu will have in the future.

At least Xiang Yu is young and ignorant now, and it is difficult to have such a big hatred if he has not seen the fall of Chu.

But to a certain extent, although Xiang Yu is young, modern is still just a child after all!

Who knows if seeing Ying Zheng's car one day, will he grow his ambition and say something that can be 'replaced'.

However, the search of the empire is still under investigation.

In this era, there will also be huge loopholes in the investigation.

Although Ying Zheng laid out a big picture, there will still be some fish that slip through the net.

For example, Liu Bang, who still wants to be a pavilion chief, feels that the empire gave him this opportunity and is grateful to Ying Zheng.

For example, Xiang Yu, now these people only think about how to make their young master grow up, and how to destroy Qin with Qi.

The Xiang family has been broken by Ying Zheng!

All the men of the Xiang family, except for Xiang Bo who fled ahead of time, died on the battlefield.

At the moment, Xiang Bo's only task is to take care of Xiang Yu and become the leader of Because.

Because he is very clear that if he wants to oppose the Qin King Yingzheng in this era, no matter who he is, he can only find his own way!

At this time, in Xianyang City, Ying Zheng was paying attention to Qi.

"."It's been two months since the new year."

"In the Qi Kingdom, three rebels have already gone."

"I really want Jin Yiwei to start it and catch it all at once!"

"Unfortunately, there are still not enough people."

Ying Zheng held his temper.

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