He felt that the current state of Qi was simply a big pond. Now all the fish he wanted to catch had already entered the pond. When more fish came here, Ying Zheng would directly cast a net and catch them all in one go.

However, Ying Zheng had already called Zhang Cang at this time.

"Zhang Cang, I know you like to see that there are some bamboo slips circulating in the Huainan region of the Chu State, and some of the contents are not good for the empire, so you pick them out." (Wang Lihao)


After Zhang Cang heard Ying Zheng's transformation, he couldn't help but work conscientiously and walked out.

Just looking at the book Zhang Cang was holding in his arms, Ying Zheng's expression turned cold.

"Why are you carrying these books?"

"Somewhat reluctant."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at the words on the books, and after finding that there were no major problems, he completely sealed the books.

"When Qi's books are shipped here, this place will become the real center of the world!

At that time, it will be the book-burning moment of the Empire.

But at the moment, letting Zhang Cang do these things is just taking advantage of it.

Because only Zhang Cang was in the mood to read it one by one, and he was sure that he would not go wrong.

ps, things are more important, so I made a phone call for another two hours and wrote less. After waking up, there are 4 shifts, plus the [-] shifts that belong to tomorrow. .

Chapter 288 Implementing the imperial examination system, the hope of the empire! (5/8)

Burning books and pitting Confucians is really nothing in the future.

Burning books is just to control all speeches that are unfavorable to the empire. From the empire's point of view, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

From the perspective of the common people, they will not be deceived by those words and cause a bigger war.

Historically, war has only left families devastated!

It's just that war has been a constant topic since ancient times, because when there is no way to solve the problem, the only way is war!

Ying Zheng burned the book, and only left all the remarks that were unfavorable to the empire.

And the person in charge of this is Zhang Cang!

Zhang Cang needs to sort out all the books, copy the city book by hand, and seal it in the imperial collection.

These files are absolutely confidential.

As for the others, they are excluded.

After all, in this day and age, except now that Qin State has paper, it is very difficult for other countries to write characters on bamboo slips, and it takes a long time to write a book.

How many years can a person's life be?

However, in this era, most of the books came from Jixia Academy.

All advanced 467 doctrines are in Jixia Academy.

"From a certain point of view, slavery, feudalism, capitalism, these systems are not much different."

"These are all forms of social composition."

"Each system has its benefits."

"But the imperial system, without a doubt, is a system that can make a country appear unparalleled and powerful."

"This system is also most suitable for widows."

Ying Zheng looked at the books in the book and didn't think about how to weaken his power at all.

Just kidding, he is an emperor, how could he let others share his power!

"Today, the Empire's project, the Imperial Canal, has been basically completed, and Chidao still needs to be built. After all, the current land area is really too big."

"Of course, the most important super projects right now are Shanglin Garden, the railway, and the Grand Canal!"

"An imperial transport network must be built."

"Not only can the empire's forces be quickly deployed to any corner of the empire, but it can also consolidate its rule over the empire!"

Ying Zheng looked at the map of the empire, his eyes were extremely serious. (bjfa)

"But these constructions, even if the full power of the empire is mobilized, will take a long period of construction time to be completely smooth."

"Besides, there is also the system map. After all, the map of Qi State was not included in the map."

"It seems that this requires a ceremony."

"But it will take some time to gather those people and then defeat them in one fell swoop."

"And during this time, something needs to be done."

"There are too many officials needed by the empire, and for a while, it is impossible to get them together."

"And the ascending mechanism of the empire is inevitably somewhat unified."

"Do you want to open the imperial examination system?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking at this time.

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