"The end is here."

"You take people and craftsmen and go to the West to collect rubber grass to refine rubber..."

"Meng Tian takes orders."

"In addition, tell Zhang Han that all the copper deposits in the empire are made into copper wire!"

Ying Zheng's order was also issued.

Ying Zheng is to arrange in advance.

Originally, copper was an extremely precious material in the empire.

However, after the copper coins minted by Ying Zheng were turned into banknotes, there was too much copper.

So Ying Zheng cast it directly into copper wire.

After all, if the telegraph is really to be laid, every place in the empire must be laid with wires.

And if you can come up with a phone, then there is no doubt that this wire will be used as well.

In short, Ying Zheng used these people to give birth in advance.

This year's Empire, there are a lot of tasks.

"This year's empire has changed from conquest to internal production."

"Let the people of the empire have a better life first, and then think about how to fight Baiyue!"

Ying Zheng wanted to occupy the land of Baiyue.

This was different from the north, which was bitterly cold, and the number of Huns was indeed too small, so it was not easy to fight.

But Baiyue is different.

"Although Baiyue belongs to the land of miasma, it is the territory that ancient China had long ago."

"Especially the land of Lingnan, the widow must get it."

The Lingnan that Ying Zheng said was the south of the Five Ridges. 2.7

That is, Guangdong and other places in later generations.

There, it is the place where the Central Plains culture and the marine culture are combined.

"Lingnan is one of the most important places in the empire."

"Because even in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Lingnan became the last residence of the Qin people."

"To a certain extent, the culture of Lingnan is also a derivative branch of the old Qin culture in the Central Plains."

Ying Zheng wanted to possess Lingnan very much.

The unique geographical location there can further expand the empire's territory to the islands on the ocean!

"When the state of Qi was completely destroyed by the widow, and the seven states were unified."

"The next step should be the land of Baiyue!"

"The widow, let the name of the Daqin Empire spread to every corner of the world!".

Chapter 291 Closing the Net, Hongmen Banquet (8/8)

The construction of the empire is advancing rapidly at a terrifying speed.

Every Qin person hopes that the country will become stronger and life will become better.

Under the influence of the empire, these people began to gradually understand that only when the country is strong can their lives be better.

This is what almost everyone thinks.

And more than [-] million people came to build an empire. This kind of scene is unimaginable in this Warring States period.

No feudal dynasty has mobilized so much power.

But Ying Zheng did so.

This is a very scary thing, and if it is not handled properly, it may even lead to subversion.

But the empire did this, and most of the people were willing.

"Only when the empire is good can it really be good."

"It's just that the spring ploughing is over now. It's been a while since Changping-Jun was destroyed. Why didn't the king destroy Qi?"

"It is said that King Qi came to the empire at the beginning of the year and reached an agreement with the king, so the king did not act."

"Isn't Your Majesty going to destroy Qi? We firmly disagree!"

"We must destroy Qi."

After the spring ploughing is over, everyone has been idle for 18 years, and the only thing that can be said in this era is the war of the empire.

Although to a certain extent, the laws of the empire do not allow these people to arbitrarily discuss state affairs.

But Ying Zheng became their great queen, as long as it was not beneficial to the country, even encouraged these people to discuss how to make the country stronger.

Only when this atmosphere is cultivated can these people contribute more to the country!

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