"I heard that the state of Qi is already gearing up for the king, but the king hasn't made any moves yet. What the hell is the king trying to do!"

"Without the king's order, even if we secretly help the king to bring down the kingdom of Qi, we would still violate the laws of the empire."

"It's really annoying!"

For a time, the people were calling for the capture of Qi.

Because all Qin people are very clear, the unification of the seven kingdoms has always been the goal of Ying Zheng!

But the empire swept the five countries with the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, and only stopping here in the Qi country must make everyone puzzled.

Because they knew that Qin State had already crushed Qi State.

But they didn't know that the network that Ying Zheng had set up in Qi had finally ushered in a mature moment.

In Qi's country, Qi Wang Tianjian hadn't slept well in this period of time, and only after Hou Sheng was here would he feel a little more at ease.

"How many are the exiles who came to Linzi?"

"There should be more than [-] people."

"These people are all on Jinyiwei's roster."

"Should have gone up."

"I killed them."

"Your Majesty, for the sake of continuation, it's nothing to die for these people."

"But these are all living people after all. They look at me with such respect. They really want me to help them regain the lost land."

After hearing this, Hou Sheng said angrily: "This is just a group of rabble, you don't need to care at all, and the King of Qin believes in us, we can't betray the King of Qin."

"Jin Yiwei should close the net. If I don't close the net, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue acting."

At this time, Weizhuang and Tianze were standing on the city wall of Linzi City, looking down at the most prosperous city in Qi Kingdom.

"The rebels in the six countries should all be here."

Wei Zhuang stood there, his wide robe moving with the wind.

Tian Ze said: "There are still some, hiding in some cities of Qi Kingdom and watching."

Wei Zhuang said: "You have completely controlled them, haven't you?"

第291章 收网,鸿门宴(8/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

Wei Zhuang said: "You have completely controlled them, haven't you?"

Tian Ze said: "The entire country of Qi is under the supervision of the king."

Wei Zhuang: "Did the king let you close the net?"

"Your Majesty's order, I have already received it."

"Then let's do it."

Wei Zhuang jumped directly from the wall of Linzi City.

The soldiers on the city wall also changed into old Qin clothes at this time.

This Linzi city, under the infiltration of the Qin State during this period, has long been the territory of the Qin people.

There are Qin people everywhere!

Six thousand Qin soldiers appeared directly in Linzi City, and they cooperated with Jin Yiwei who had gathered in the city earlier to arrest these rebels from the Six Nations.

In a restaurant in the city of Linzi, many people from the six countries gathered here and talked happily.

"I don't know why Brother Lu invited us to eat and drink here."

"This place is too serious. If you can have two girls to accompany you, it will be considered elegant."

"Haha, Brother Lu hasn't shown up yet, are you looking for a girl?"

At these times, some of these fugitives from the Six Nations had long forgotten to take revenge, and in addition to bragging all day, they lingered in the prosperous Linzi City.

The money they brought to Qi has long since been spent.

It's just that no one knows whether they still have the original ambition in their hearts.

And just as they were chatting happily, a tall and thin Confucian scholar also appeared here.

"Haha, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

The exiles stood up one after another.

"Brother Lu, you are finally here, but after waiting for us for a long time, you should be punished with three drinks."

"Brother Lu, you went outside for so long, but brought some girls?"

The 530 was called Brother Lu but laughed.

"I didn't bring you girls, but I brought you more interesting people."

As he clapped his hands gently, a group of armored Qin soldiers slowly appeared in front of everyone.

When all the exiles saw these Qin soldiers, some glared at them, some trembled with fright.

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