"My minister Yongan Hou Tianjian, thank you for your grace."

"Well, get up."

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he turned on the system and saw the scene in Linzi City.

Tian Jian couldn't help but raise his head and take a peek, but saw that in Ying Zheng's eyes, it seemed that the whole world was contained in it.

This made him lower his head, not daring to look directly.

His heart was beating even more.

Even when he was the prince back then, when he saw his father, he never felt this way.

And Ying Zheng's power seems to have long surpassed that of the king.


第292章 册封关内侯,永安侯!(1/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。


The state of Qi attached great importance to doctrine, but at this time, Tian Jian couldn't help but think so.

I feel that Ying Zheng can only be a god!

Because it took less than two years from Ying Zheng's ascension to the unification of the seven kingdoms!

Besides the gods, who else can do it?

"The prestige of the empire has already shown a tendency to be crushed. I am the Marquis of Yong'an in the empire, and my status is no weaker than that of King Qi."

Tian Jian was quite satisfied.

As for Housheng, to a certain extent, he is already an official of the empire.

At this time, Ying Zheng was observing everything in Linzi City through the system map.

There is no doubt that there are a large number of exiles gathered here, waiting for King Qi to appoint them.

But what they waited for was not the appointment of King Qi, but the soldiers of the empire.

One by one, these people could not resist the pursuit of Jinyiwei and the imperial soldiers.

In the city of Linzi, mourning is everywhere.

Jixia Academy was also full of mourning.

There, is the focus of the empire sweeping.

Jixia Academy's collection of books has been moved out.

Those books are all made of bamboo slips, and they are stacked here, which is quite shocking.

In the homes of ordinary people in Linzi City, almost every family has a collection of books.

After being sorted out, the stacking area is much larger than that of the palace.

"It seems that it will take a long time for these books to be cleaned up."

"." These will all be sent to Xianyang."

"All remarks that are unfavorable to the empire will be burned!"

"As for those exiles, although they are all literate people."

"But those who are unfavorable to the empire can only be completely killed in the end."

In the four directions of Linzi City, large pits were prepared in advance, and the exiles, whose hands and feet were bound by ropes, were stripped and pushed directly into the pit.

These clothes, for this era, are still relatively important wealth.

One of the reasons why the clothes of this era are generous is to show off their wealth.

After all, it is not easy to make a piece of clothing, and it requires more materials, which naturally shows the value of the clothing.

These exiles are all good-faced, so their robes are relatively loose.

In this way, it is natural to change several clothes for those slaves to wear.

In the empire, people are more concerned about the living, even if they are just slaves! (is it okay)

Now, even the slaves in Shanglinyuan Craftsman City still have those houses to live in.

It's just that they live in bunk beds, and ten people share a room.

But those slaves went out, still proud and outrageous.

As if when they were slaves, they were also slaves of the Craftsman City, as if they were superior.

Moreover, they only have to work hard, as long as they accumulate work points or make contributions, they can be free and become real citizens of the empire.

The empire is fair to everyone.

All the rules are there, as long as you work hard, you can accumulate a good family business sooner or later.

And these assets, any official of the country, will not embezzle.

Even Ying Zheng cannot be taken away rashly.

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