But the whole Shanglin Garden is Ying Zheng's back garden.

There, Ying Zheng has absolute dominance!

ps, there are still 15 chapters left. .

Text Chapter 293 Jixia Academy, which was dug by Lu Buwei (2/8)

Ying Zheng can forgive many people, but those who want to harm the empire can never be forgiven.

It really swept the world, but because it was lightning fast, it didn't cause much bloodshed.

But this time, Ying Zheng wanted everyone to deeply remember the power of the empire.

Looking at the exiles who were constantly being pushed into the pit, Ying Zheng's heart was extremely calm.

And this arrest lasted a full three days.

In the great state of Qi, every city and township was completely occupied by the soldiers of the empire.

And the soldiers of Qi State have all been adapted by the empire.

"The quality of Qi's soldiers is very low, and the more reason is that Qi's soldiers are all employment systems."

"So there are not many people here at all, and the empire can eat it completely."

"As for some people who are not convinced, they really need to mine coal for the few people!"

There is no room for negotiation in this regard.

After the matter here was settled, Ying Zheng also gradually walked out of the Qi Palace.

In this day and age, even a palace would feel too dim to stay inside.

In Linzi City, the city has gradually calmed down.

"Marquis Yong'an, go with the widow to Jixia Academy."

Tian Jian immediately bowed down.

"Your Majesty, in this country of Qi, there will inevitably be some fish that slip through the net." 337

"In Linzi City, there are all imperial soldiers, so what is there to be afraid of?"

Ying Zheng stood still and walked outside the hall, where Chituma was standing.

When Chituma saw Ying Zheng's arrival, he knelt down automatically, and only stood up again after Ying Zheng went up.

Tian Jian also led a horse. In this era, there are very few taxis who do not know how to ride horses.

After all, the most popular six arts of gentlemen in this era, among them this horse riding.

Ying Zheng also walked in the streets of Linzi City.

It's not so much a street as it is an alley.

Each road is relatively narrow, and even the widest road can only pass three carriages.

In addition, there will be small traders and hawkers in the two halves, and the road will appear even narrower.

However, this city of Linzi is the most cultural place in the state of Qi.

"Linzi City, originally called Yingqiu, refers to the city that traded on the hills."

"Just because it is close to Zishui, it should be called Linzi City later."

"The buildings in Linzi City have a scholarly atmosphere. They are not as elegant and prosperous as the state of Chu, but they are simple and refreshing."

"This is how Linzi City feels."

Ying Zheng watched all this, and finally slowly came to Jixia Academy outside Linzi City.

This is the place with the most prosperous culture in the entire Seven Kingdoms world.

Now, when Ying Zheng entered here, what he saw was a pile of bamboo slips, and Confucian scholars who had been escorted into rows.

These people like to call them 'children'.

Such as Confucius, Mencius, etc...

But Song Zi and so on may be regarded as one of the hundred schools, but it is inevitable to call him 'zi' a bit too big.

Maybe that's what literati like to do.

Before coming to Jixia Academy, Ying Zheng saw the archway in front of him.

This is an archway completely made of wood. Not only does it not feel frivolous, but it has a stone-like weight!

On it, it is written in the Qi State font of 'Jixia Xue Gong'.

"Although the Qi script is somewhat similar to the imperial script, it seems to be a little troublesome after all."

第293章 被吕不韦挖墙角的稷下学宫(2/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"Although the Qi script is somewhat similar to the imperial script, it seems to be a little troublesome after all."

"The words in this world should all become the same."

Ying Zheng felt that it was very necessary to unify the world.

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