Passing through the archway, the gate of Jixia Academy was completely pushed open by Qin soldiers.

This gate is painted with black lacquer and staring at the copper nails. When necessary, it can even be used as a fortification!

After entering the gate, this is a well-manicured stone road, every stone is polished neatly, and finally laid on the ground calmly.

"This Jixia Academy is really a palace."

"And looking at it (bifg), it's just a little bit worse than the Qi Palace."

When Ying Zheng saw this, he nodded lightly.

At the same time, he also looked at the place where he gave lectures, where the portraits of the Yellow Emperor and Lao Tzu were hung.

Obviously, Jixia Academy is based on Huang Lao Xue as the main study.

The overall planning is similar to that of academies in the feudal era.

In other words, all the schools in the feudal era were based on this Jixia Academy.

After all, this is the first school.

Ying Zheng simply made a lap, and then felt bored.

"Perhaps the most important thing in this Jixia Academy is the people inside."

"But it doesn't matter."

"The Jixia Academy is no longer as prosperous as it used to be."

"When the Qi Kingdom was in chaos, many people from Jixia Academy ran away, and most of them became Lu Buwei's followers."

"The widow also met a lot of people who used to belong to Jixia Academy."

"But Lu Ge's pedestrians, although they respect legalism to govern the country, have some taste of Huang Lao Xue."

"After all, there are so many people who study Huang Lao Xue."

"But the widow doesn't care about these schools of thought."

"As long as it makes the empire stronger, that's fine."

"On the contrary, those useless things should be burned."

"Lou Ge has been compatible with hundreds of schools of thought, and has created a new school of thought. I am very moved by this."

"The only way to do it is to have Lu Ge Lao's practice and not to listen to the words of the family."

Ying Zheng said slowly.

His voice was also heard by those who had been bound for a long time.

Ying Zheng's eyes finally fell on these people.

"If you can be used by the empire, become an imperial teacher, teach the doctrines belonging to the empire, and serve the empire."

"The widow will leave you alone."

"If you can't, you all go to mine for the widow."

"The empire never raises useless people!"

After the teachers and students heard Ying Zheng's words, a gray-haired old man knelt down first.

"Our long-cherished wish in life is to teach and educate people, so that everyone in the world understands etiquette, understands education, respects the country, and respects the king. The king will not kill us today. Naturally, we are willing to teach and educate people for the king and spread the doctrine of the empire. ."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nod his head.

"You are very good. The empire rules the country by law, and the law is the teacher. Although the laws are strict, they are all laws based on morality."

"If you are all gentlemen with both morals, the slaughtering knife of the imperial law will never fall on your head."

"For these scholars, untie.".

Chapter 294 Unifying the Seven Kingdoms, Unifying China, A New Journey! (3/8)

Although Jixia Academy has been hollowed out, Ying Zheng still needs a lot of scholars.

When Ying Zheng finished saying these words, those scholars were already grateful to Ying Zheng.

"We, we will never live up to the king's expectations."

Ying Zheng listened to this and nodded slightly.

But when he left Jixia Academy, Meng Yi, who was following behind him, was a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty, why should you let them go?"

Ying Zheng did not return, but asked, "Meng Yi, do you know how big the empire is today and how many people there are?"

"The empire has taken control of the seven kingdoms..."

"If you use accurate numbers, the empire has already mastered 340 million square kilometers of land. Counting Qi's nearly 500 million population, the empire has mastered a population of 2500 million."

Meng Yi was trembling with excitement when he heard this.

For the first time he knew that the empire was so powerful.

When these numbers are placed in front of him, his heart will only be full of shock.

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