Although its gold content is still too high, it also means that if you want to get the title of Marquis, you have to work harder.

As for the veteran Meng Ao, it was just because of good luck that all the military exploits of his descendants were counted.

Otherwise, Meng Ao would not be able to make a marquis.

As for Ying Zheng, the reason why Meng Ao was named a marquis was to dilute the Prince of Qi Tianjian, the Marquis of Yongan.

After all, a generation of King Qi became the Marquis of the Empire, which was somewhat uncomfortable.

"As for Han Fei, it is not hopeless to be named the Marquis of the Empire."

Ying Zheng then canonized some people one after another.

However, this canonization did not give too many titles.

After all, once the empire's title reward is enough, then the imperial title is really worthless.

And Ying Zheng will use these titles to inspire these officials to attack the Xiongnu!Southern Expedition Baiyue. .

Chapter 299 The book is the same text, the car is the same track! (8/8)

It doesn't take too long for Taishan to seal Zen.

And after this is over, it also represents that the empire has entered a new era.

But in the matter of the Empire, there are still many things that need to be dealt with.

When a group of people came down from Mount Tai, the weather turned strangely overcast, and the misty rain also fell.

In this era, there is no umbrella, and everyone does not bring a hat, so they can only be showered.

It's just that they followed Ying Zheng's body, but found that a white light appeared on Ying Zheng's body, blocking all the rain, and Ying Zheng's mian clothes were not stained with rain-water at all.

This could not help but make Lu Buwei and the other ministers full of shock.

"Is the Holy One under the protection of God? Even the rain can't disturb him."

"Your Majesty is shining!"

"The Holy One is really a god."

For a time, these ministers were extremely excited.

Ying Zheng, on the other hand, led these ministers back to the resting place.

This is a temporary city for living in. Naturally, the house is not as good as Xianyang, or even better than Linzi City, but it can still shelter from the wind and rain.

After the ministers have changed their clothes, they need to come to Ying Zheng to discuss again.

"The system of the empire needs to be better improved."

Ying Zheng thought to himself.

"Although this place is simple, the administration of the empire, even if it is in a mobile state, can let the widow's orders be conveyed to any corner at any time."

"That's the benefit of imperial politics."

Ying Zheng thought to himself that Lu Buwei, Li Sihanfei and the others had already entered the house.

Ying Zheng looked at these people with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I unified the seven kingdoms and created the Great Qin Dynasty, which is stronger than the Zhou Dynasty. Do you think that the Great Qin Dynasty should use that system better?"

Han Fei walked out immediately: "The cabinet system formulated by Your Majesty is the most suitable system for the empire, but in the management of land, the minister thinks that it is not suitable to be used for enfeoffment, which will make the regret of the Zhou Dynasty happen again."

"So the minister thought that the most suitable method for officials in the empire was the county system."

When Ying Zheng heard Han Fei's words, he couldn't help feeling that it was quite reasonable.

"What you said is exactly what I wanted to say."

"The laws between heaven and earth are all changing in the market. If the system of feudal feudalism is used again, and the land is distributed to the sons of widows, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will be fighting each other?"

Facing Ying Zheng's question, Lu Buwei couldn't answer.

Of course, he could annex Confucianism and Mohism, and integrate into Legalism.

But in some things, he would not give too good advice.

Because Lu Buwei is very clear, what kind of policy the empire will use will ultimately be decided by Ying Zheng himself.

In the end, Ying Zheng finally made a final decision.

"The empire should use the county system."

"The entire empire will be divided into thirty-six counties by the widow!"

"In Qin, there are Ba County, Shu County, Longxi County, and Beidi County."

"In Zhaodi, it is further divided into Taiyuan County, Yunzhong County, Handan County, Julu County, Yanmen County, Dai County, Changshan County, etc. There are seven counties in total."

"Wei Dizhong is Shang County, Hedong County, Dong County, Dang County and finally Hanoi County, and a total of five counties are planned."

"Handi is a little smaller. In addition to Sanchuan County and Shangdang County, which were acquired earlier, there is Yingchuan County that was established last."

第299章 书同文,车同轨!(8/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"Handi is a little smaller. In addition to Sanchuan County and Shangdang County, which were acquired earlier, there is Yingchuan County that was established last."

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