"Yandi can be further subdivided into six counties: Guangyang County, Shanggu County, Yuyang County, Youbeiping County, Liaoxi County and Liaodong County."

"Qi is five counties including Donghai County, Qi County, Langya County, Jiaodong County, and Jibei County!"

"In the last Chu region, there are eight counties in total, including Nan County, Qianzhong County, Changsha County, Nanyang County, Sishui County, Jiujiang County, Xue County, and Hanzhong County."

Ying Zheng opened the system map and made a simple division of thirty-six counties on the entire map.

Looking at the 340 million square kilometers, Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

"Compared with the area of ​​960 square kilometers in later generations, it is really much worse."

"When the empire was most prosperous, it should have been 41 counties, not these 36 counties."

"But the Baiyue in the south and the Xiongnu in the north have not been completely conquered."

"Those lands, just stay there for a while."

"Jiuyuan County in the north of the Xiongnu, and Chen County, Kuaiji Army, Chen County, Guilin County, Xiang County, etc. in the Baiyue Land."

"Sooner or later, the notice of the empire will come completely!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help clenching his fists in his heart.

"Now that the world is initially divided, the governor of each county should be an official of the empire."

"Of course, there are good and bad places in these places, but no matter whether they are good or bad, they are all counties of our empire. Everyone has to carry out the rule of the empire thoroughly."

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking.

"I preliminarily divided the counties and counties of the world into thirty-six counties. Naturally, the personnel must be set up by the Empire. Mr. Lu Ge, you will solve this problem."


Lu Buwei bowed respectfully, "Your Majesty, don't worry."

Ying Zheng nodded slightly and continued.

"It's just that apart from this, the characters of the seven kingdoms are written separately. From now on, the imperial script should be unified in the imperial Xiaozhuan font."

"The seven languages ​​must be unified, Li Si, can you do this?"

Li Si fell to the ground after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, Li Si will never disgrace His Majesty's mission."

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"Unifying the language is just the beginning. The empire uses Guanzhong dialect as its official language. In addition, weights and measures must all be unified into Qin's."

"Otherwise, it is easy to make a mistake when it comes to local taxes!"

"Li Si understands."

"Unify the characters, unify the weights and measures, and finally, the carriages of the Seven Kingdoms, of different sizes, are very problematic to walk."

"Then, all the carriages in the world are six feet apart."

Ying Zheng determined this number because the distance between the horse tracks was six feet!

Ying Zheng also thought that in the past history, the reason why the empire chose this number was probably because the empire's horse tracks had already formed a track network.

Only a six-foot carriage can run fast on this horse track!

ps, I'm not happy. I only wrote eight chapters today. I thought I would have to write nine to ten chapters at a minimum.

Counting the continuation of the eight chapters of the manuscript tomorrow, there are still 16 chapters left....

Chapter 300 Prepare to build the Epang Palace! (1/8)

Books are in the same text and cars are in the same track. This is a must for Chinese civilization.

"Huaxia has been divided for too many years, and a unified thought must be shaped."

Ying Zheng then opened the system to observe the state of the empire.

[Host: Ying Zheng. 】

【Age: 12 years old. 】

[Identity: Emperor Qin Shi Huang]

[Land area: 340 million square kilometers. 】

[Population: about 2500 million people. 】

[Achievements: Complete the unification of China and create the era of the Daqin Empire. 】

[Imperial national strength index: 318743. 】

【Imperial War Index: 267123. 】

When Ying Zheng saw these changes, he couldn't help but pouted.

"The comprehensive national strength is less than 32?"

"Why is the war index 27?"

"Does the system think that the most powerful thing in the empire is fighting?"

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