"One hundred and eighty zero" "No matter what, let's look at the officials and generals first."

The first thing Ying Zheng opened was the general system.

No way, the empire just likes force.

In the ranking of generals, the first person is Meng Ao.

Ranked second, General Wang Jian.

Ranked third, General Li Mu.

Ranked fourth, Yulin Wei Mengtian.

Ranked fifth, veteran Lian Po.

Ranked sixth, Imperial Navy Li Xin.

Ranked seventh, Guan Ning Iron Cavalry Mengwu.

Ranked eighth, the Craftsman Army lost his revenge.

Ranked ninth, the Infantry Armored Warrior Wang Ben.


Ying Zheng looked at the rankings of these generals, and his heart was filled with emotion.

"In this era, I really gather stars!"

"These generals have no problem with their loyalty to me."

"It's some junior generals who are not so loyal to the empire."

Ying Zheng directly wrote a list.

These people, Jin Yiwei must be able to find out a problem.

"Look at those people Wenchen has."

"Lv Buwei, the old cabinet minister, is the supervisor of the Minister of Officials."

"Wang Wan, a member of the cabinet, serves as Minister of the Household."

"Li Si, a member of the cabinet, is temporarily serving as the Minister of Punishment."

"Cabinet member Han Fei temporarily serves as Minister of Rites."

"Cabinet member Zhang Han, temporarily serving as Minister of Work."

"The last one is not a book, but the old general Meng Ao leads it."

"In this way, the six divisions of the empire and the cabinet are formed!"

"This is the highest administrative center of the empire."

"However, Li Si, Han Fei, and Zhang Han are all on a temporary basis because of their age."

"But in the cabinet, the old school is still formed, and the new school is mutually restrained."

"This is good."

"The most important thing is the absolute loyalty of these people to me."

"As for the county governors of the thirty-six counties, they are either ministers who have contributed generations to the empire, or generals who have made Xia's meritorious deeds in the war."

"These thirty-six people are not difficult at all."

"Gan Luo, Li Xin, Meng Yi, Wang Ben, etc., can all be appointed as county governors."

"All the officials of the empire need the kind of people who can mount a horse to fight, and get off a horse to settle the people!"

"These are the rules of the empire."

第300章 准备修建阿房宫!(1/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"These are the rules of the empire."

"All officials in Xianyang of the Empire must come from the lower counties. Only after some local experience can they finally be suitable to display their ambitions at the core of the Empire."

"Otherwise, what they have done may be empty talk!"

"In addition to the cabinet, I also have Shadow Secret Guards mastered by Tian Ze, as well as Mo Ya, Wei Zhuang and others who form the Jinyi Guards."

"The Shadow Guard has gradually become my travel escort."

"Jinyiwei has more rights to monitor the world for me."

"However, the core power of the empire is still Shanglinyuan, and it is still the Shaofu."

"These courtiers with low loyalty have been listed by Zhen, and then they will be handed over to Jin Yiwei to deal with."

"The empire will definitely be turned into a piece of iron."

Subsequently, Ying Zheng continued to open the state of the empire.

Several books of the six countries are over, and the next thing is the super project of the empire.

[The super project goes to Linyuan, the progress is 30%.At present, the number of construction workers is 500 million. 】

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