[Super engineering railway, the progress is 3%, and the current construction number is 200 million. 】

[The super project is on its way, the progress is 56%, and the current construction number is 200 million. 】

[The Grand Canal Super Project, the progress is 4%, and the current construction number is 300 million. 】

[Super Project Empire Canal, the progress is 89%, and the current construction number is 50. 】

[The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Super Project, the progress is 0.1%, and the current construction number is 50. 】

[Super Project Epang Palace, not under construction...]

[Super project Great Wall, not under construction...]

[The current empire contains super projects: Dujiangyan, Zhengguo Canal, Craftsman City, some Chidao, etc. 】

Ying Zheng looked at these data, and had a scruple in his heart...  

"About five million people, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, all farm at home."

"There are more than 100 million imperial officials and soldiers."

"There are also 200 million artisans in the factories of the Empire."

"In this way, there are only 400 million people left in the empire, which can be used for dispatch."

"That's pretty much the people in Qidi."

"The Mausoleum of the First Emperor is not in a hurry."

"The Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles will be repaired by arresting aliens."

"Then the last four million people, come to build the Epang Palace for me!"

"Empire, it should have the appearance of an empire."

Ying Zheng had been looking forward to Epang Palace for a long time.

"In the early days of a country's founding, it is unavoidable to build large-scale construction projects."

"Only by keeping the people busy can we make them forget the past and feel that life has gotten a new start."

"In the history of Qin, all construction projects were requisitioned by the empire."

"This time, I will give them food and give them money!"

"Building projects for the empire may not necessarily be less profitable than farming at home."

Ying Zheng gave these imperial people a new plan.

As for coins, Ying Zheng uniformly used imperial banknotes.

After all, paper is still an extremely precious thing in this world. Besides, the people of the empire are already used to these papers. They are light and easy to carry, and they also have Ying Zheng's head engraved on them. The exquisiteness of production has far exceeded the imagination of the people of the empire. .

The most important thing is to exchange food from the 0.0 empire, and only use this kind of paper money.

If you want to buy cattle and horses, curved ploughs, and even porcelain, you can only use this kind of banknotes.

Some businessmen have long discovered the benefits of paper money and have begun to promote them.

The Imperial Bank has gradually become popular in all counties of the Empire!

"With paper money, productivity can be liberated to a certain extent."

"Let money no longer be hidden, but flowed to create greater wealth."

"The people will also have better expectations for the future. Even if they are asked to build the Great Wall for me, they will be willing!"

When Ying Zheng thought of this, his mood gradually became lighter.

"The system of the empire has been thoroughly formulated, and it only needs to continue to be implemented."

"I really have the opportunity this time to tour the world."

However, a piece of news from the south broke Ying Zheng's thoughts. .

Body Chapter 301 Ye Lang is arrogant (2/8)

"Emissary of Yelang Kingdom, have an audience?"

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the messenger of Yelang Kingdom would come here?

"Yelang Kingdom is in the southwest, how did you come here?"

"It was picked up by fishermen who went out to sea. He said that he encountered a strong wind at sea and was blown here."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he nodded slightly.

"Bring an audience."


Soon, the envoy of Yelang Kingdom came to Ying Zheng, but he did not kneel on the ground.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

Meng Tian directly pressed Yelang's envoy to the ground.

"King of ignorance, my Yelang country is the largest country in the world, with the highest mountain, the widest river, and the greatest king."

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