"Among them, the cavalry of Zhao State, and the few Da Qin, should also have it!"

Ying Zheng knew very well the power of cavalry.

Zhang Han immediately said: "What the king said is right. I have many horse farms in Daqin. Men can ride horses from birth, so there are naturally many cavalry."

But Ying Zheng looked at the bare horse's back with a cushion, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

During the Warring States Period, people used their legs to clip the horse's stomach.

In this era, there are no saddles and stirrups at all!

The forty-seventh chapter of the text: Daqin Arsenal

Among the seven kingdoms, there were originally no cavalry.

It was not until the Zhao Kingdom showed the strong mobility of the cavalry that the cavalry began to develop.

But most of this requires familiarity with the horse, otherwise it is easy to fall off the horse.

But Ying Zheng has a good solution for this.

Stirrups and saddles.

You Gongshuqiu, a skilled craftsman, is not complicated to make.

Soon, Zhang Han felt the benefits of saddles and stirrups.

"With this thing, soldiers can step on it steadily, and they can fight better!"

Zhang Hand saw the benefits of this stirrup at a glance.

At this time, Gongshuoqiu had already regarded Ying Zheng as a god.

"Your Majesty is really extraordinary. These things alone, in the hearts of craftsmen, are almost like artifacts."

"And once you have these things, the strength of the Qin army may be too strong!"

However, Zhang Han was a little confused.

"Your Majesty, there are so many things we have to make now, I'm afraid we won't be able to make them out for a while."

Ying Zheng naturally knew this.

"The priority is to make the Long Ge steel crossbow, saddles, etc. You only need to produce a batch first and formulate new standards."

Soon, Ying Zheng gave them a guideline.

At the same time, he also began to visit the arsenal.

After reading it, Ying Zheng was completely shocked.

"It's completely the assembly line production of later generations... Incredible!"

Ying Zheng saw a famous craftsman cooperate with the assembly, and finally assembled one by one Mitsubishi-shaped arrows like bullets.

These arrows all have certain error standards, and even the errors in them are smaller than modern ones!

At the same time, after the production of the arrow is completed, it is transported away to set the arrow shaft.

"This industrial system was made by the Prime Minister Lu Buwei?"

Zhang Han nodded.

"In this way, Qin's weapons are not only standardized, but also easier to make, and the production speed is much faster."

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

"Very good, the widow is very pleased."

Ying Zheng knew very well that this place already had the foundation of an arsenal, and it was even more stringent than the factories of later generations.

After all, this is the ultimate weapon of an empire.

Just when he was about to finish reading, the system sound sounded again.

[Ding, the host has touched the edge of industrialization, and the arsenal subsystem is automatically turned on. 】

Chapter 5000: Daqin Arsenal (adding 1 flowers) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

[Ding, the host has touched the edge of industrialization, and the arsenal subsystem is automatically turned on. 】

[With the arsenal subsystem, you can spend prestige, speed up the progress of weapon research and development, and even receive blueprints for powerful weapons! 】

Ying Zheng looked at the arsenal system, but found that there were some large-scale siege equipment in the blueprints.

There are even forging drawings of the artillery!

"too strong!"

"However, this arsenal must meet a certain production capacity standard, and the authority will be further opened. The few people should develop here well."

Ying Zheng was very satisfied with this.

Of course, after the Shaofu is equipped with weapons, it is also responsible for the logistics of food!

"The law of widows stipulates that each soldier is provided with 40 catties of military rations a month, while a normal person can only eat 20-30 catties a month!"

"For an army of 30 widows, a month's worth of rations requires at least 6000 tons of rations!"

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