"And what supports the supply of these 6000 tons of military rations is huge and advanced farming technology."

Ying Zheng looked at the bamboo slips. For the first time, he saw that how many seeds were planted and what was planted in one acre of land was recorded as a law.

In this way, we can ensure that every acre of land can be planted with the highest quality grain to the greatest extent!

"Fortunately, this year, I have begun to try to grow potatoes and rice, and all the seeds will be saved this year. When the next year comes, the widow will no longer worry about food."

In this regard, Ying Zheng is in a good mood.

Only after getting to know the Great Qin Empire carefully did Ying Zheng feel the power of this empire more thoroughly.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is the master of this mighty empire!

With just one word from him, he can decide the life and death of countless people.

If he wants to fight that country, he will fight that country!

This is the benefit of the emperor.

At the same time, he also had a new experience of Qin's laws.

Are the laws strict?

Harsh indeed!

Harsh to pervasive!

The law gave the troops and farmers very clear guarantees!

This can ensure that every peasant can be allocated land, and every soldier can have enough supplies!

Only with such a strict legal guarantee can Qin Bing finally be relentless and wholeheartedly fight for Da Qin to the end.

If Ying Zheng needs it, these soldiers can fight for Ying Zheng to fight for the sky!

However, Ying Zheng has been in this factory for a long time.

Before you know it, the day of Tingyi has come.

The forty-eighth chapter of the text is the court discussion!Super Project Zhao Guoqu! (Add more for 6000 flowers!)

Tingyi can be said to be the most important thing in the entire Daqin.

The entire Qin Kingdom became solemn and solemn at this moment.

There are not a lot of Daqin doctors, and these doctors naturally understand how to make water conservancy projects.

They are more aware of how much money Zheng Guo has spent to build the canal.

In fact, this order could be given by Ying Zheng alone.

But Lu Buwei was afraid that there would be a problem, so that the people would think that Ying Zheng was at fault alone, so he pulled all the ministers to take the blame for this matter.

On the one hand, this is also a kind of protection for Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng has no objection to this.

It's good to listen to these ministers discuss.

The location of Tingyi is the Qilin Hall of the Qin Palace.

Many ministers knelt on the court hall, and waited until the fifth watch to greet the King of Qin and slowly walked to the highest position.

"Chen wait, meet the king!"

Ying Zheng looked at the minister who was kneeling on the ground, full of momentum, and reached the highest position.

"The ministers are exempted from the ceremony, and the next court meeting will be presided over by the prime minister."

Lu Buwei took a step forward, bowed to Ying Zheng, and then said, "Old minister takes orders."

Then, he turned to the ministers.

"What do you think about the fact that South Korean water engineer Zheng Guo wants to help Daqin build an irrigation canal, feel free to say it."

At this time, Li Si took the lead in saying: "This canal leads Jingshui to the west and Luoshui to the east, with a total length of about 300 kilometers, but the channel is completed, and there will be no cruel years in Guanzhong, and it will become a thousand miles of fertile soil, which can greatly supply my Daqin. army."

But there were also veterans who came out.

"I think it's impossible. This move will cost the people and money. I will be unable to fight again. I'm afraid I can only live in peace from now on."

"If the princes attack, what can I, Daqin, do to resist?"

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the courtroom.

Some old ministers were excited by the controversy, and even faced each other in court...

Qin people are martial, and even these ministers are no exception. Ying Zheng sat on the throne, listening to the court discussion was a little annoying, but it was more interesting for these ministers to fight.

"Yo, the monkey steals the peach...this yin..."

The fight between the two soon turned into a group fight, and Ying Zheng never expected that a court meeting in the Great Qin Kingdom would turn into a group fight...

"Alright! Alright, all for the widow's assistants!"

Ying Zheng saw a lot of bruised noses and swollen faces below, so naturally he couldn't sit back and watch and wanted to stop it.

However, the old officials below knew that Ying Zheng would not do anything to them, so they continued to make big shots.

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