And what they are best at is throwing short spears!

This also makes the entire West good at throwing short spears!

By the time of the Roman Empire, the army was even more widespread.

Compared with the militarization of Sparta, the people of the Qin Kingdom are much more relaxed.

Otherwise, the people of the empire would not think too much at all.

And this kind of throwing short spears fell on the Peacock Dynasty, but it became the standard.

The people of the Peacock Dynasty were best at bowing and throwing short spears.

The one-man-high bow and arrow can shoot up to 300 meters.

And this kind of short spear can generally shoot to a distance of 30 meters.

At this moment, the warriors of the Mauryan Dynasty began to run faster with their short spears held up.

When it was only thirty meters away from the imperial warriors, countless short spears flew out from the camp of the poisoned people and plunged into the elite of Zhao Gao.

If it is stabbed by this short spear, there is no doubt that even if you have leather armor, it will be broken in an instant, and the dead can no longer die.

Fortunately, Zhao Gao knew that his elites did not have black armor, so he prepared a lot of skin shields!

The large shields in the first row were filled with short spears.

Some spear tips have even pierced through wooden shields.

But this gleaming blade of cold light could not bring out the bravery of Zhao Gao's elite charging forward.

All Qin people are very clear that this battle must be won!

Otherwise, the fake county governor will turn his face and refuse to recognize the person, and will only speak with the strict imperial laws.

This battle can only be won.

Countless Qin people fell to the ground, but they charged forward.

The soldier at the front even raised a steel crossbow.

Compared with the bows and arrows of poisonous people, the crossbow arrows of the empire are more powerful!

And it is easier to shoot, after all, it can be operated with one hand. "


Chapter 390 Elephant cavalry dispatched! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.



The Qin people shouted the old Qinqiang and rushed directly into the poisonous army.

Compared with these old Qin people, the poisonous army was not prepared.

They also follow the habit of war and want to form a group to attack the empire.

But their soldiers have been completely separated by [-] Qin people.

They have never fought this way of fighting before.

And the poisonous people who are separated are not as powerful as the Qin people after all.

Even in terms of height, the poisonous person is relatively short.

"Although the soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty are brave, their armor protection ability is simply cloud and mud compared to the empire."

"Even if they want to break the leather armor of the empire, it is extremely difficult, not to mention the stronger iron armor!"

Zhao Gao saw hope!

The [-] Hu people have now lost [-] Hu people with the fierce battle.

The rest of the people, now with Zhao Gao's elite shot, all the Hu people followed the footsteps of Zhao Gao's subordinates, condensed into a rope, and rushed the army of poisonous people into pieces.

Poisonous people, I have never seen this kind of play before!

For a time, the scattered poisonous people were slaughtered mercilessly by the empire and the Hu people.

At this time, the deputy general, who was already poisoned, directly chopped off the head of the main general, and was naturally promoted to the main general.

"If the dynasty wants to completely occupy the East, then it should show its most powerful strength."

"And the most powerful force in the dynasty, without a doubt, is the war elephant!

Every war elephant is like a moving fortress.

Above the war elephant, a box was added.

In the box, there are generally 3-5 members.

Among them, there are those who ride war elephants, and the rest are archers and javelinmen!

Combining these people together, they formed an incomparably powerful elephant ride.

"War elephant, go out!"

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