"To these arrogant and ignorant invaders, a lesson that will never be forgotten!"

The poisonous general has already roared. 250

They felt that only by dispatching invincible elephant cavalry and relying on the majestic momentum of the elephant to run wildly, could they completely crush the Qin people!

And now there are [-] elephant cavalrymen here.

When the elephant cavalry lined up completely and slammed into the imperial warriors, everyone felt the ground shake!

Something as tall as an elephant, galloping toward you, will feel the body go weak no matter who it is.

How powerful is it to deal with these war elephants!

These poisonous people are just like hanging up.

As for what kind of cavalry, compared with this elephant cavalry, it is simply too bad.

"How to do?"

At this time, the warriors of the empire could not help but feel unable to resist.

After all, it was the elephant charging towards him.

It's really hard to keep calm in this situation.

Even Zhao Gao felt that this faction could not resist.

Unless the war elephant attacked, it was the empire's stronghold!

The so-called hard fortress is Wang Jian's most common method of camping.

Ying Zheng is surrounded by chariots, and around the chariot are horses and wooden stakes nailed to the ground.

With longer trenches dug all around, it was too difficult for the war elephant to rush over.

But Zhao Gao wanted to set up camp.But there is a new good place. .

Chapter 391 Use the barbarians to control barbarians!

Elephant cavalry is the most powerful combat unit in the Peacock Dynasty.

With the power of the beasts, he can conquer the army.

It is quite difficult to shoot an elephant.

This is almost impossible.

However, even if it is impossible, it must be done after all.

Must break through the opponent's elephant cavalry, have the opportunity to completely defeat the people of the Peacock Dynasty.


The people behind Zhao Gaochong roared.

Catapults, as a siege weapon, were naturally used on a large scale by the Qin army.

And because its principle is not complicated, Zhao Gao's army naturally also has construction.

Just hitting an elephant with a stone would not have much power.

The catapult was loaded with nothing but the caltrops of the empire!

However, due to the lack of steel in the Hami army, they only had part of the caltrops, and more were in the shape of caltrops cut from wood.

This is also called Tribulus terrestris.


Under the order, the catapult was released, and countless caltrops were scattered in front of the army like rain.

The war elephant of the poisoned man also rushed into that area!


The huge weight of the war elephant made the caltrops completely sink into the war elephant's feet.

The pain made the war elephants no longer be driven and slammed around.

And under this collision, the war elephants became even more chaotic.

Although the war elephant is powerful, the biggest problem is that the elephant is a little timid.

Once a problem occurs and the war elephants collide, it will cause chaos in the elephant group, and in the end, it will cause a city disaster.

The herd cannot move forward, because each elephant knows that there are more bristle bristle ahead, and they will be more traumatized!

The poisonous war elephant not only did not cause too much difficulty to the soldiers of the empire, but instead rammed into the camp of the soldiers of the Mauryan Dynasty.

The loss of control of the war elephant is a disaster for human beings.

Even the best driver can't do anything about it!

The loss of control of this war elephant has resulted in no one being able to fully control it.

The war was also temporarily stopped with this battle.

Zhao Gao knew that it would be impossible to completely occupy the poison with his own strength.

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