Ying Zheng unified the six countries, but also made the empire extremely powerful in every aspect.

If the only problem is that the law is too strict, there is no freedom.

But it only takes a few generations before they get used to such strict laws!

Only in this way can the empire become stronger under the protection of the law.

At this time, the Roman messenger had already come to the place of Kangju.

He had to go through the desert to reach the Great Qin Xianyang in the east.

However, what he wants to ride is not a camel.

It was a long train with black smoke.

"The Qin people said that this kind of thing is a train!"

This messenger is a small noble, and can speak the Guanzhong dialect of Daqin very well.

But he also had an interpreter by his side.

"It is said that this train can run without sleep without stopping like a carriage."

"My 440s take this kind of train and can quickly travel thousands of miles away to the place called Xianyang."

"Why is Xianyang called Xianyang? Is it because it is salty?"

The Roman messenger couldn't help thinking.

Soon, he was on the incomparably magnificent train.

There were many people in the car.

There are soldiers of the Qin people, and there are also some merchants.

The Roman messenger saw the view from the window through the crystal-like glass.

The long river is setting the sun!

Everything in the desert looks so majestic and shocking.

For the emissary of Rome, this train seems to lead directly to the paradise of his dreams.

In many records originating from Daqin, or in the words of Daqin merchants, they can feel the pride originating from the Qin people.

And he is heading towards the core of the pride of these Qin people.

There, is the center of all domination.

In this era, the speed of the train is still even, even if the technology has been upgraded, but the train can reach 50 kilometers per hour.

Compared with the high-speed rail of more than 300 kilometers per hour in later generations, it is simply too bad.

On the train, he walked for a few days, and the train gradually entered the gate!

He began to see the land of Daqin. .

Text Chapter 401 The shock of the Roman messenger

The Qin state has always been said to be a safe and secure place.

It refers to east, west, north and south, and consists of four levels respectively.

In the east, it is the most famous Hangu Pass.

In the West, it is the big pass.

The south is Wuguan and the north is Xiaoguan.

Four dangerous places, firmly guarding the hinterland of Qin.

Guannei has also become the most prosperous place.

Neat wheat fields, with blue-yellow wheat, look so pleasing to the eye.

There are different views on both sides of the train.

These scenery gradually constitute the incomparably beautiful scenery along the way.

"Shocking, rich!"

The messenger from Rome couldn't help but think so.

Whether it's a train, it's super smooth and even able to rest and sleep on the road.

A journey of thousands of miles, one day and one night.

This has already made the Roman messenger feel like a miracle!

What is even more shocking is the imperial gate!

Starting from Yumen Pass, to the Da San Pass that has continued in the Zhou Dynasty to this day, every pass is magnificent!

When the train entered Shanglin Garden, the Roman messenger felt that he had come to heaven.

The train is in the form of the foot of the mountain, you can see the mountain in the distance, and you can also see the most magnificent palace on the mountain.

All the palace towers are built on the mountain, built according to the situation, and the whole Shanglin Garden is integrated into a whole.

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