As the train slowly entered, it was as if entering a very beautiful picture!

"Amazing! It's amazing."

"Compared with this Daqin Shanglin Garden, the city of Rome is simply a rat ditch!"

"Only Shanglin Garden is the place where people should live!"

The Roman messenger was very excited.

Through the window, he could even see the confident and relaxed expressions of the people outside.

Their skin has been tanned due to years of hard work, but this complexion shows that they are quite healthy.

The strength of a country will also forge the spirit of a nation.

The spirit of the Chinese Qin people is something that the serfs under the Roman aristocrats never possessed.

"Powerful 々.!"

"No wonder the Qin people were able to destroy the Parth Empire so easily!"

The Roman messenger, like a countryman coming to the most prosperous big city, can't take his eyes off it.

In his heart, he even thought that if he could, he would never want to go back to Rome again in this life.

"Da Qin is a really powerful country."

"If only Rome were like that, that would be great."

The messenger's eyes were filled with awe.

And when he saw the Craftsman City, he already thought that the city was nothing short of a miracle.

And when he saw the official city, he thought the city was too beautiful!

When he came to Xianyang Palace, he was deeply attracted by the Chinese culture of the East.

Those tall wooden buildings are filled with an aesthetic originating from the East, as if every scene is full of poetic and picturesque.

The messenger felt that with his knowledge, he could no longer describe the perfection of this Xianyang city.

If you want to describe it in words, it is probably only the heaven in the scriptures.

The train eventually stopped outside Xianyang City.

Chapter 401 The shock of the Roman messenger-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The train eventually stopped outside Xianyang City.

Next, a series of security checks.

This kind of inspection has already been inspected when entering Yumen Pass, and some people have been left outside of Huaxia.

When they arrived in Xianyang, at the foot of the emperor, the inspection was even more detailed.

Even these people have to undergo a series of disinfections and must not have diseases.

Even if he was an emissary from Rome, he could not avoid these checks.

Fortunately, after seeing the power of Da Qin, the Roman envoy cooperated very well. Even if the inspector took off his clothes in the small room, he did not have any complaints.

This is Da Qin.

As for those gifts from Rome, it is natural to check them again.

After the inspection, he saw seven well-dressed people standing there, smiling at him.

These seven people, everyone's clothes are different.

Some of the robes are very large, and there are two children dragging them behind them.

The embroidered patterns are also different.

In short, how gorgeous the clothes of the first five Orientals are!

On the other hand, the two people in the back, although the clothes on their bodies are made of high-quality materials, they are still weak.

And he did know one of them.

The man was wearing the coronal uniform of the Parthian Kingdom, and was obviously the king of the Parthian Empire, but at this moment, he was nodding and bowing, showing great respect for the five people.

These five people are the five kings in Xianyang City.

They know very well that there is no hope of restoring the country, so it is better to stay here and be the ceremonial officials of the empire.

Their main responsibility is to communicate with the outside world!

Or rather, they are a mascot themselves.

When they came to receive foreign envoys, what they wanted to show was the strength of the empire.

Use the king of a former enemy country to receive foreign messengers.

This is already said to be extremely high specification.

But this also means that if you don't behave well, the king of Rome will also appear here in the future.

Didn't you see that the king of Kangju and the king of ten thousand kings have become Xiaokang and Xiaowan?

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