The Roman messenger was a little shocked after learning about the five kings.

"' . You all used to be leaders of a country, why are you willing to be officials in this Xianyang city?"

The Roman messenger almost made the grumpy King Yan go mad.

If he hadn't been defeated and arrested, he would rather be happy in Liaodong.

Liaodong is a good place. The iron ore alone is enough for him to eat for a lifetime!

However, this is obviously impossible.

(Li Dehao) On the other hand, King Qi was more knowledgeable.

"All of us are from China, and all the summers are one family. Now that the superiors and inferiors have been divided, we are also convinced of His Majesty the Emperor. We feel honored to be officials here in Xianyang."

"But as a visitor, I still want to tell you, don't talk nonsense when you get to the lobby."

"Otherwise, even if His Majesty the Emperor doesn't blame you, we are helpless if we don't want to let you go."

"But the common people of Qin, the general Mengwu in the west, probably won't let you go."

"Everything, you have to be careful in your words and deeds!"

King Wei gave a meaningful warning to the Roman messenger.

Although they used to be enemies with Ying Zheng.

But now Huaxia is a family, instead, they have to unite everyone and come to face outsiders.

If the Roman king is also captured, they will have a new little brother! .

Text Chapter 402 Western Rome, dedicated to Eastern gods!

In fact, the five kings expected the Roman messengers to make mistakes.

If this is the case, His Majesty the Emperor is angry and raises his teachers, and when the time comes, the King of Rome will also be arrested and treated as their younger brothers.

This is really good.

Of course, the five kings knew that it would be a matter of time before the Roman king entered the city of Xianyang.

After all, the current emperor, His Majesty, is still a teenager, still very young.

They have already begun to look forward to how terrifying His Majesty the Emperor will be once he becomes an adult!

It's just that there are still several years before His Majesty the First Emperor reaches adulthood.

The five kings felt that when His Majesty the First Emperor became an adult, I am afraid that he would really be in the world, could it be the emperor's land!

And Ying Zheng also seems to have the meaning of waiting until he dominates the world before holding a coming-of-age ceremony...

When the five kings thought of this, their hearts were full of excitement.

"Unify the world, and then hold the coming-of-age ceremony, His Majesty's courage, we are really inferior."

"That's right, our wish back then was to occupy a few more cities and lay down more land, and we didn't even dare to think about dominating the world."

"Now, His Majesty the Emperor feels that occupying a country is easier than occupying a piece of land."

"Where do you say that His Majesty the Emperor will fight next year?"

"It should be poisonous!"


"That's right, the name of the body poisoning China makes His Majesty the emperor very angry!"

"His Majesty the Emperor is angry, he will kill him!"

"It is said that Zhao Gao has been poisoning officials for thousands of years, and has mastered a lot of land with poison."

"Zhao Gao is really powerful, but the means are too cruel."

"You don't know that when dealing with foreigners, you should be more cruel. Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor did not keep Zhao Gao in this Xianyang, otherwise he will definitely become a powerful minister, and we will not have a good life by then."

"That's right, the most people die in the southwest. Zhao Gao is a scourge. Fortunately, the king has the foresight to let this scourge go to harm foreigners."

The five kings were discussing with each other, speaking very quietly.

On the contrary, the Roman messenger felt relieved.

In the coming year, Da Qin is going to play the Peacock Dynasty, which makes them feel more relieved.

The Mauryan Dynasty is also a powerful country, and it is somewhat different from the West.

Even if Da Qin was completely occupied by the Peacock Dynasty, it would be difficult to completely hit the West.

At the same time, under the guidance of the Five Kings, he came to Zhangtai Palace.

From the bottom to the top, it takes a distance of more than 100 meters to climb. The Roman messenger saw this scene, and his face changed.

Fortunately, his skin was originally white, and at most it was a little red at this time.

Xianyang people are not familiar with Westerners, so they don't see many expressions.

On the other hand, many people have set their sights on him along the way.

"This is a Westerner."

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