"It is said to be a Roman."

Many officials came out to watch the Roman messenger.

The central officials of the empire lived in the Xianyang Palace.

In fact, their accommodation is also very low-key.

But their identities are enough to gain respect wherever they go.

"These Western white women are very beautiful."

"Yes! I like those white women too."

"The resting woman is really good. I have a resting slave girl in my family."

"Looks like I'm going to raise one later."

For a time, the officials of the empire were discussing.

Chapter 402 Western Rome, dedicated to Eastern gods! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

For a time, the officials of the empire were discussing.

In their eyes, the messenger of Rome, sooner or later, became the enslavement of the empire.

It's just that this Roman messenger, because of the shock on the way, has become more and more in awe of the East.

At this time, he did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

Soon, he came to Zhangtai Palace.

In Zhangtai Palace, all civil and military officials have arrived.

When the Roman messenger arrived here, the civil and military officials all cast their curious eyes.

They were quite curious about Roman culture.

After all, Rome is in the far west of no (ajac) ratio.

Even by train, it takes more than ten days!

But it is precisely because of the train that these oriental people suddenly feel that they are not so far away from the west.

The Roman messenger also walked in front of His Majesty the First Emperor.

"Caesar, the envoy of Rome, has seen His Majesty the First Emperor."

When Ying Zheng heard the name of the envoy, he was slightly taken aback.

The first dictator of the Roman Empire, also known as Caesar...

He didn't know if that Caesar, and the Caesar in front of him, were the same person.

But obviously, Rome is still in the period of the Republic.

Ying Zheng asked curiously: "The Roman envoy came here thousands of miles away, why?"

"With the mission of the Roman Council of Elders, I want to make peace with Daqin! We communicate with each other and never invade. You are the monarch of the East, and Rome is the king of the West!"

"Rome brought the most famous theater in Rome to Da Qin, and also brought me the most famous gladiator in Rome."

"My minister Caesar, I hope to ask His Majesty's permission to let the Pantheon in Rome to worship all the gods of the East."

"It's our Roman homage."

When Ying Zheng heard Caesar's words, he was a little surprised.

The Manchu ministers of the Great Qin State had already started to discuss it.

The culture of Rome is obviously different from that of the Qin state.

And now the Romans want to worship the gods of the East.

No matter how you hear it, no matter how interesting it is.

Ying Zheng, on the other hand, looked at Caesar with a smile.

Rome was once just a small tribe on a Mediterranean island.

But now, Rome has become a great country.

Later, the Mediterranean Sea became Rome's inland sea.

As for why the Romans could have such a vast land.

The fundamental reason is because the Romans have two most remarkable characteristics.

One is to be good at learning, which is the advantage of all ethnic groups, and they learn whatever!

The Parthian Empire was strong, and they learned to rest.

When they found that Greece was strong, they went to learn Greece.

After Macedonia became strong, it went to learn Macedonia.

Now they finally discovered that Da Qin was the most powerful when he came, so they went to learn Da Qin!

Therefore, the nobles of Rome are scrambling to learn Daqin's characters, culture, and even wear Daqin clothes!

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