After all, compared with Xianyang, Rome is only a small town with only 1 people.

The Romans are already longing for the culture of Daqin.

Because they want to become as powerful as Da Qin! .

Text Chapter 403 Roman Gladiator

The Romans were best at learning.

The Great Qin Empire has occupied a large area of ​​land, and they also want to occupy a large area of ​​land.

So, whether it's culture, or some habits, or even the army, the Romans wanted to learn.

Of course, learning was one of the great traits of the Romans.

The second major feature is _ superstition!

The Romans will enshrine all the gods in the East and the West, all they can see!

They superstitiously believed that as long as these gods were enshrined, these gods would bless the Romans.

Therefore, the Roman Empire built the Pantheon, where all the gods of Europe and even Asia can be seen!

Now, they have the idea of ​​the Eastern Gods again!

They want to worship the gods of China.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

"Superstition, people in this era are all superstitious."

"The Romans treated all gods with kindness, and in the end, Rome became the belief in the hearts of all Europeans."

"In this way, Rome can have such a vast land."

"It's not like an empire, it's a kind of ambitious ambition that eventually became Rome."

Ying Zheng obviously knew that this was a pit in Rome, but he still planned to enter this pit.


"But I am a Chinese god, you must be in awe."

"Otherwise, I will never bypass Rome!"

"Next, the Ministry of Rites will teach you the etiquette of the awe of my Chinese gods."

In the empire, the main gods were Qin, Qi, and Chu.

The Qin state is mainly about great wizards, and they are in awe of nature.

On the other hand, the alchemists in the east dared to brag about anything, and they supervised the creation of gods one after another, hoping that Ying Zheng would turn his attention to the east, and even told the story of immortality in the immortal island of Penglai.

It's just that Ying Zheng ignored them.

But this time can come in handy.

As for the state of Chu, the people of Chu have always been romantic, and they have no idea how many gods they possess.

There are countless mountain gods, big and small.

Just the gods that the empire allows to worship, plus some special gods, the Pantheon in the west alone can't hold it!

And Ying Zheng came up with a set of rituals that originated from the East to worship the gods...

That is to completely kill Rome.

But the most important thing is that Ying Zheng left a reason for attacking Rome in the future!

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's mood gradually calmed down.

On the other hand, Caesar did not know that he had been trapped by Ying Zheng, but was overjoyed.

Ying Zheng knew that it was more convenient to export Eastern culture to Rome.

It would be very interesting if Rome, who was eager to learn, could put on the clothes of the Qin people, use the words of the Qin state, and speak an authentic Qin opera.

So in the future, it will be easier to lay down Rome and then rule.

Caesar saluted respectfully and invited Ying Zheng to see this gift from Rome.

The gifts of Rome are some specialties of Rome.

Among them are Roman-style weapons, armor, and Roman warhorses.

Most of them are Roman fabrics.

Because of the geographical gap, the weaving process in the West is very different from that in the East.

These cloths are equally precious in the West.

"My three most distinctive things in Rome, one is the opera in Rome!"

Chapter 403 Roman Gladiator-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"My three most distinctive things in Rome, one is the opera in Rome!"

"The Opera Houses in Rome continue to be found in every corner of Rome. This time I came here and brought my performers from the Opera House in Rome, who can play Rome's operas for His Majesty the Emperor."

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