At the same time, he also thought of what to use to persuade His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin.

"As the lord of a country, you can have everything in the world, like a god."

"But they, after all, are not real gods, and they cannot be immortal."

"But Dharma can make him live forever!"

The corner of Dixu's mouth 207, showing a smile.

It's just that he didn't know Ben, if he dared to go to Xianyang City and tell Ying Zheng that he would be immortal.

Ying Zheng would first chop off his head and see if he could come back to life.

Of course, Ying Zheng in history may indeed be fooled by Emperor Xu.

After all, no one wants to live forever.

In history, Ying Zheng was bragged about Penglai Immortal Mountain and so on by the alchemists of the East, and finally spent countless financial resources to go to sea, and in the end he got nothing.

If Buddhism comes to brag, I am afraid there will be some opportunities.

It's just that Ying Zheng has a system and doesn't care about the boasting of these Buddhists.

He is even more clear that the so-called Buddha, the teachings in it, will only make a country more and more degenerate!

Otherwise, the body poison of later generations will not decline to that point and become a vassal.

However, how could Emperor Xu know so much?

He still followed his plan and wanted to step into the courthouse in Xianyang step by step.

Buddhism needs a new Dharma protector!

He came to King Ashoka.

"King Wuyou is the protector of Buddhism, and my Buddhist novice is destined to not be able to watch the country collapse and remain indifferent."

"Please allow King Wuyou, these ten thousand monks and soldiers, fight together."

When King Ashoka heard the words of Emperor Xu, he was very moved.

"Teacher, these monks and soldiers are guards guarding the temple. Now, you are willing to gather here and go to the battlefield with me."

"If I don't agree, I'll live up to the teacher's heart."

"Worry-free king please, look at the vajra anger of my novices!"

Emperor Xu announced a Buddha's name, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the battlefield at this time, blood has completely invaded the land on the ground!

There are corpses everywhere, poisonous people, and Hu soldiers from the Western Regions.

Only the Qin people died the least. They formed a battle formation. These soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty had already died a circle outside.

The Peacock Dynasty wanted to rely on war elephants to deal with the Qin people's camp, because they knew that neither bows nor arrows or some warriors could break through the protection of their relatives.

Chapter 412 Liu Bang on the Poisoned Battlefield! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The Peacock Dynasty wanted to rely on war elephants to deal with the Qin people's camp, because they knew that neither bows nor arrows or some warriors could break through the protection of their relatives.

Not even the cavalry can do anything.

And the best way to deal with this kind of heavily defended army is to fight elephants!

It's just that when those war elephants rush over, they will step on the caltrops.

People with poisonous bodies do not know at all how many tribulus terrestris these Qin people have.

When the war elephant stepped on it, it would instantly run around because of the pain, but did not dare to rush in the direction of the Qin people.

Because the war elephant also knew that the direction of the Qin people had more tribulus terrestris.

When the war elephant steps on it, it will be like this.

And if someone who is poisoned steps on it, it will be (abfj) even more terrifying.

Their shoes are very thin, and after stepping on them, the Tribulus terrestris will instantly pierce the soles of their feet.

The severe pain will make them lose their combat effectiveness in an instant, and those slaves of the Qin people will cut off their heads without hesitation.

As long as they are Daqin people, they have a special preference for the head of the enemy.

Because this is how military merit is measured.

Even the Han Dynasty, which inherited the Daqin system, adopted this approach.

At this time, Liu Bang, holding a long sword, was scolding his mother!

He couldn't figure out why Ying Zheng suddenly fell to the Western Regions for him.

Originally, he was doing well as the pavilion chief at Sishui Pavilion, but he didn't expect to fall into Hami, a place where birds don't poop, to be a county captain, and he didn't even want to be happy in Peixian County.

And the most terrifying thing is that before he sat in a hot chair in Hami, he was called to lead his men to the front line!

"I've just arrived at the front line, and I'm about to fight!"

"If it weren't for the fact that when I was a ranger in the early years, I still had some skills, I am afraid that I would have been killed in this chaotic army."

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