"Damn, this weapon is far worse than the imperial army!"

"Not even Gang Ge!"

"how to spell!"

"It's all fucking slaves!"

"I'm afraid these people are going to die!"

To Liu Ji's surprise, he was originally just a small centurion.

It was the generals above him who were constantly killed in battle!

A short spear that was thrown directly pierced through the throat, although the throwing accurately, and the extremely thin and poisonous man was also successfully shot and killed.

After several generals were killed, Liu Bang directly became the commander of thousands!

Although his subordinates, there are only [-] people left!

He started with five hundred men and charged.

It seems to be charging, but in fact, it is running to the edge of the battlefield!

At this time, you must not retreat. If you retreat, you will definitely be executed by the supervisor!

But Liu Bang would never allow himself to die in this place.

"I still have a bright future, so I must take these people out of here."

Liu Bang tugged at his beard and rolled his eyes wildly.

He stayed far away from the war elephants.

"Damn, it's a pity that you can't drive an elephant, otherwise it's really safe to run into that van!"

Liu Bang looked at the elephant cavalry with yearning in his heart.

But just when he was about to kill, he silently saw a novice with all his hair shaved, wearing Buddhist beads, and holding an iron rod, from the edge of the battlefield, killing him extremely fiercely.

And the direction they came from was Liu Bang! .

Text Chapter 413 Novice monk soldiers

Liu Bang had planned to run to the edge of the battlefield, ready to lead these hundreds of people to run away at any time.

After all, there are too many enemies now.

It's just that he didn't expect that the servants of those poisoned people were not the servants who were mixed on the periphery of the battlefield.

Instead, they met a Buddhist novice.

They are the guardians of various Buddhist temples, and they have been practicing martial arts since childhood without interruption.

A pair of iron rods is even more amazing to use.

These novice soldiers did not have leather armor or shields like soldiers.

What they have is a pair of superb long sticks.

When Liu Bang saw these novices, his eyes widened.

"What the hell is this! Your clothes are so neatly dressed!"

Although Liu Bang wandered the Seven Kingdoms, in the Seven Kingdoms, there had never been such a creature as a monk.

Now that he saw these novices, he didn't even know what kind of warriors these people were.

But in terms of momentum, these [-] elite soldiers are no weaker than Da Qin Ruishi.

Soldiers in this era have their own clothes, not the army.

This is the case with the body poison, and the same is true for the Seven Kingdoms of the past.

Only when the empire became stronger was it unified into a black military uniform, which was dull and depressing.

But these novice monks, all in uniform brown-yellow robes, charged towards Liu Bang and the hundreds of people in an extremely neat manner.

At this time, Liu Bang only felt his scalp tingling.

"Why are you all looking for Lao Tzu!"

"Niang Xipi's, do it!"

Liu Bang's eyes were red.

The road ahead has been completely blocked by these monks and soldiers. If you want to rush past, you can only win.

These five hundred people formed a dense group formation, with shields all outside, like a tortoise shell smashing into the center of these monks.

The current Liu Bang, who does not know the art of war, completely relies on the experience of fighting in peacetime.

Qin people's equipment, even if it is outdated, is of extremely good quality.

Under this strict protection, the stick in the hands of the novice cannot break the shield of the army at all.

The novice is indeed powerful, when fighting alone, one can fight five or six!

Qin people like to fight with more and less, and this novice is completely restrained.

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