But Liu Bang is different.

Liu Bang didn't want to fight at all!

Five hundred people, he was like a bastard. Although these novices were powerful, they could not knock the Qin slaves behind the shield to death.

Instead, the spear that came out of it directly pierced the chests of several novices.

It's just that when those spears pierced the novice's chest, they felt some resistance.

If it weren't for the fact that Da Qin's weapons were too sharp, this spear would probably not be able to pierce the novice's body.

Obviously, this is a kind of horizontal practice.

Moreover, this is not one or two people, but more than [-] novices, all of which are like this.

When Liu Bang saw this behind the scenes, he even cursed his mother.

"No wonder these dwarf monkeys never wear armor, the skin is so thick!"

And the most terrifying among them is that there are some novices who have actually achieved the level of invulnerability!

When Liu Bang saw that Zhan Ge couldn't pierce their bodies, he felt like a group of monsters.

Chapter 413 Novice Monks and Soldiers -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When Liu Bang saw that Zhan Ge couldn't pierce their bodies, he felt like a group of monsters.

"Fortunately, there are too many of these people, and their target is not us!"

After all, Liu Bang had only [-] people, and together with the fact that they were tightly grouped together, there were only a few hundred people who could fight with him.

Therefore, the subordinates led by Liu Bang were still able to resist.

On the contrary, the novices in brown-yellow monk robes rushed into the battlefield one by one like wolves and tigers. The iron rod in one hand was like a whirlwind. Many soldiers of the empire, even if they were wearing leather armor, would be directly killed by a stick. .

This scene is too shocking.

Originally, the situation was still in a stalemate.

But with the arrival of these novice monks and soldiers, the battlefield instantly reversed.

The soldiers of Zhao Gao's subordinates are constantly being compressed in space, and they are already on the verge of a rout.

When Zhao Gao saw it, he couldn't help but become more impatient!

On the other hand, Emperor Xu, after seeing this scene, showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

"That's it."

"However, as a monk soldier, I killed fewer Qin people because the Qin people still want to pass on the strength of the monk soldiers to the east."

0 · · Flowers · · ·

"It's the Hu people in the Western Regions, but I can kill them recklessly!"

Seeing this, King Ashoka couldn't help but nodded.

"Elder Dixu's monk soldiers are really extraordinary. It's just that these people used to guard the temple. They are too overkill to use everything. They should appear on this battlefield."

It's just that Emperor Xu shook his head when he heard this.

"What the Worry-free King said doesn't make sense."

"These monks and soldiers have been in temples since childhood, and they follow the rules and disciplines, and they have the mind to serve the Buddha for a moment."

"Each one needs to spend countless thoughts and the medicinal materials in the temple to temper the body."

"[-] people, this is the power that Buddhism has accumulated over time, and it is already the limit. Now, in order to help the king, all of them have already started."


"If one of these novices dies, my Buddhism will lose a great deal!"

When Emperor Xu said this, there was an unbearable look on his face.

When King Ashoka heard this, he dismissed it.

"Teacher, don't worry, as long as you defeat the Qin people, this king will give enough compensation for the loss of Buddhism!"

Soon, King Ashoka made a promise.

Emperor Xu did not expect that there would be unexpected joy.

He dispatched monk soldiers just to show the strength of Buddhism in front of the Qin people, so that it can be fully integrated into the Qin Dynasty in the future.

In the Qin Dynasty, because of the monks who mastered these guardians, they could have better rights.

Therefore, Di Xucai held a gambling attitude and wanted to rely on these monks to attract Ying Zheng's attention.

However, he did not expect that King Wuyou was willing to bear all the losses of Buddhism.

This is equivalent to using the power of one country to support the entire Buddhism.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xu was full of sighs.

"If it weren't for you who couldn't stop the Qin people, otherwise, King Wuyou is the best Dharma King in Buddhism."

"But obviously, His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin from the East has a better relationship with my Buddha."

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