ps, at the beginning of the month, there were a lot of things, and my grandmother was seriously ill. I haven’t eaten for more than half a month. Today’s updates are also a little less. Allow Xiaohuo to update a chapter today, and resume 3 more tomorrow. .

Text Chapter 414 The law teaches the world!

What Elder Dixu yearns for most is Daqin.

As long as he can continue this Buddhism, he will make even greater contributions to Buddhism.

At that moment, he was truly able to pass on his name to the ages.

In Buddhism, the four elements are all empty.

But who can do it?

If the Tathagata can do it, why does his name need to be passed down through the ages, instead of being truly ancient?

Even Buddhism cannot escape the pursuit of fame and fortune.

Otherwise, there is no need for Emperor Xu to make King Ashoka the Dharma King of Buddhism. Instead, they should stay in the temple with no desire or desire, instead of willingly accepting the worship of all the people of the Peacock Dynasty and becoming a transcendent existence.

All of this is, after all, for the sake of fame and fortune.

The so-called relationship with His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin, but in fact, "One Eighty-Three", after all, wanted to use Ying Zheng's power to popularize Buddhism all over the world.

In fact, Buddhism's thought, for the empire, is the biggest cancer.

Because it will make a country completely weak.

Ying Zheng was even looking at various materials about body poison Buddhism.

He didn't care about Zhao Gao's war.

After all, this has nothing to do with the army of the empire.

Instead, he was thinking of other things.

"Buddhism of poisoning people, to a certain extent, is something that fools people."

"Presumably, if they come to Xianyang, they will certainly spread Buddhism."

"But this is not good for the long-term development of the country."

"Do you support Taoism?"

"But now there is only Huang Lao Xue, and there is no Taoism."

"However, the empire is taught by law! This law cannot be abandoned!"

Ying Zheng finally felt that the idea of ​​legalism should be thoroughly permeated.

After all, for the empire, only the implementation of the law can make the country really strong.


What is the law?

Law is not a dogma that seems comfortable to people's minds.

To a certain extent, the law is an imitation!

All good things must be imitated and implemented by all the people through the law!

The law is the law, the law is the imitation, the law is the implementation!

Under such a combination, the country can be strengthened.

Moreover, the laws of Daqin are not static.

Daqin's laws are always formulated and implemented by legal experts according to the state of the empire.

This is the foundation of Da Qin!

"The Peacock Dynasty must be occupied."

"People who are poisonous are also the most obedient slaves in the whole world."

"It's very easy to get rid of poison."

"But that Buddhist sect is like a maggot with a tarsus, and its tail can't fall off."

"Come to the land of China to teach the Fa, this is absolutely not allowed by me!"

"Then, it can only be poisoned."

"After occupying the Peacock Dynasty, I will destroy all Buddhist temples and drive all these poisonous monks to Rome and Greece in the West!"

"Don't the Romans like to worship the gods?"

"Buddhist feels that he is the messenger of the gods, let's see if the Romans will worship them!"

Ying Zheng soon made a decision.

Chapter 414 The law teaches the world! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng soon made a decision.

At the same time, the official war against the Peacock Dynasty is about to start!

Ying Zheng has found Li Xin.

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