Now that Li Xin has become a super prince of the empire, his attributes have grown in all directions, the most important of which is his absolute loyalty to Ying Zheng.

And the children he will give birth to in the future, although the attributes may not be as good as Li Xin, will all be absolutely loyal to the empire!

"His Majesty."

Li Xin stood under the steps, extremely respectful.

Ying Zheng looked at Li Xin and said directly.

"I want you to lead 50 warships and [-] sailors to completely occupy the body and destroy the Peacock Dynasty."

Li Xin kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"This minister will certainly not disgrace His Majesty's mission. This time, will His Majesty not personally recruit?"

When Ying Zheng heard Li Xin's words, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Here in Xianyang, he has been with him for more than a year.

Even though some good things often appear in the Shaofu, these days are really boring to death.

Playing the Peacock Dynasty, Ying Zheng felt that apart from the variable of Buddhism, there would be no surprises.

As for Buddhism, it would be fine to expel them all!

But when it comes to personal expedition, Ying Zheng is a little moved...

Although through the system map, it seems like a heavenly emperor, seeing the poisonous land.

However, it is also Ying Zheng's hobby to witness the magnificence of human beings in the world.

After all, on the map, it was like a heavenly emperor without any incense, which was not much fun for Ying Zheng.

Over time, it will affect his emotions, and if he really has a temperament like the emperor of heaven, then this world will no longer have much fun for him.

On the contrary, seeing the destruction of the poisonous civilization, Ying Zheng had some expectations.

"The Peacock Dynasty can be called an ancient civilization with poison."

"And now, I am going to destroy this ancient civilization with my own hands!"

"In this world, only China can be called civilization!"

When Ying Zheng thought of this, his mood gradually calmed down.

He has made the world unify everything.

Whether it is written language, or even carriage and horse clothing!

Those who made the body poisonous, from now on, speak the Mandarin of Daqin, and there is no more Buddhism. This is what Ying Zheng wants to see.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's mood gradually calmed down.

"Black crow and white phoenix, mobilize Yulinwei, and prepare to follow me to the Peacock Dynasty!"

Ying Zheng's order was quickly issued.

Zhao Gao's defeat was already set.

As far as 0.3 is concerned, he will not fail, but the Hami county of the empire will no longer be able to expand its territory!

The army of the empire, after all, still has to set off.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's mood gradually calmed down.

Soon, the youths of Yulinwei were completely mobilized.

Yu Linwei can be said to be a real elite.

However, most of the youths of Yulinwei have been mobilized to serve as local officials and take charge of one side.

With this release, [-] young disciples were released!

Now, there is a new round of teenagers, once again completely selected from the elementary school.

Together with the thousand Yulin guards who have become young men, they once again conquered the world for the empire.

And this time, they will accompany Ying Zheng and take a boat to the Mauryan Dynasty. .

Chapter 415 Trapped beasts are still fighting!

On the battlefield of the Peacock Dynasty, King Ashoka watched the intervention of the novice monks and soldiers, and Zhao Gao's army had already begun to retreat.

Although there were only [-] novice monks and soldiers, their combat power was comparable to an army of tens of thousands.

Even if the people of Daqin came here are slaves, they are still Qin people, with leather armor and so on. Even novice monks and soldiers cannot be easily killed.

In addition, these monk soldiers have practiced the martial arts of horizontal training, but they are more than armored, and those slave soldiers in the Western Regions have died in battle at this time!

Zhao Gao's mood gradually became extremely violent!

"How is this possible! How is this possible!"

"Who are those bald donkeys!"

Zhao Gao was roaring.

He didn't care how many people died in this war!

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