There is even a tragic guy, who was directly hit by the ironclad ship to the bottom of the sea, and the blood turned the sea red.

"This strange ship will sink all our warships!"


"Grab this strange ship and scuttle him!"

However, they used the bronze weapons in their hands to gouge the ironclad ships, which was obviously a naive choice.

There are brave and poisonous people around the ironclad ship, trying to climb up.

But this iron-clad ship has no place to climb.

All around is bare,

When the ironclad ships entered those battleship groups, the artillery fire opened, and countless naval battleships of the Peacock Dynasty were instantly shattered.

But after all, a boat approached, and the rope was thrown onto the railing outside the deck, and the poisonous soldier climbed up like a monkey.

But soon, an imperial soldier cut off its rope, and the poisonous soldier roared and fell into the sea.

The war, starting at this moment, became extremely cruel.

However, the poisonous sailors had nothing to do.

The Admiral of the Peacock Dynasty only felt overwhelmed at this moment.

"how to spell?"

"I can't fight at all!"

"Rescue the soldiers who fell into the water, let's evacuate."

"That's right! Let's retreat!"

All of a sudden, everyone was resigned.

In their view, this battle has no way to continue.

It's just that when their ship approached the soldiers who fell into the water, the shells of the imperial battleship fell again.

The 150 ships in the back were more or less loaded with artillery.

Among them, the mother and son guns are the most powerful and have the fastest rate of fire.

The constantly poisoned warships were shot one after another, and in the blink of an eye, more than a thousand ships were lost.

This loss has already lost a third in the blink of an eye!

The poisonous soldier was already desperate at this moment.

Facing the soldiers of the empire, they were like primitive people with stone knives, and they had no ability to defeat the imperial warships.

"Can't beat it!"

"If we save people, more soldiers will die there!"

"Those are the sailors we are most familiar with, fifty thousand! Fifty thousand! All fell into the sea!"

"If we don't go, even we can't live!"

The poisonous generals quarreled instead.

Chapter 423 The whole army was wiped out! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The poisonous generals quarreled instead.

But their soldiers turned the bow at this time and fled the battlefield.

After the first ship left, the second and third ships left one after another. In the end, all the ships were escaping desperately.

Ying Zheng smiled at the corners of his mouth after looking at the poisonous warships that escaped all around.

"Although the Empire's warships are bigger."

"But most of them have sails and, moreover, there are steam engines to assist them."

"Furthermore, the range of the cannons on the ship is enough to cover them all!"

"After all, this is a vast sea, and there is no obstacle for the artillery to hit."

When Ying Zheng's words fell, the Imperial Navy hoisted its full sails.

The assistance of the steam engine wheel also started to run, and black smoke billowed out from the sea fog!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The artillery continued to sound, and the smoke filled the air.

This is no longer a war, because the Empire's warships have nothing to lose at all except for a little rubbing.

Instead, it was more of a hunt.

It's just that the hunters are all poisonous!

The warships began to encircle and suppress, and the navy of the Peacock Dynasty was already full of despair.

"Why are the warships of the Great Qin State so fast?"

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